29th June
Coming up next week...
Helloooo...As it looks like the country is starting to open up a little bit more, we encourage all members of the youth and anybody else to keep following the guidelines in place by the government. The guidance for the opening of places of worship have changed and there are conversations taking place about how this might be able to be done in a safe way. As for now, it is business as lockdown normal for the youth, find out what's going on this week below...
Cell Groups
Friday Pathfinders
Will be canceled until further notice... however both Olly and I will be available to chat or give you creative one player game ideas using the contact details below!! Genuinely do get in touch on a Friday night if you are bored... we probably will be too.
We had a great CYFA on Rave yesterday (28th June) listening to Andy Croft talk about hitting the lockdown wall, and how God made us human so doesn't expect us to keep going all the time. Sometimes we need to take a rest and recharge, and that is ok! We will be back with another CYFA on the 12th July.
Cell Groups
Cell groups are beginning to come to the end of the devotional sessions. Some cells will be looking at Anna, whilst others will be looking at Paul. Both characters experienced a sort of lockdown in their story and they needed certain qualities to get through it.
Friday Pathfinders
Will be canceled until further notice... however both Olly and I will be available to chat or give you creative one player game ideas using the contact details below!! Genuinely do get in touch on a Friday night if you are bored... we probably will be too.
We had a great CYFA on Rave yesterday (28th June) listening to Andy Croft talk about hitting the lockdown wall, and how God made us human so doesn't expect us to keep going all the time. Sometimes we need to take a rest and recharge, and that is ok! We will be back with another CYFA on the 12th July.
Alongside the Sunday service, Olly and I have created a series of talking point videos. These are just a few simple questions to discuss in your homes, with your friends or just to think about on your own. They are based around the topic of the Sunday service and are just aimed to get you thinking that little bit more. We hope you enjoy them!
The Cell Celebration
Now we are being ambitious. Usually towards the end of the year we would have our last cell celebration and we aren't going to let no virus stop us doing that! We are hoping to hold our first ever online cell celebration. Most of the same stuff just from the comfort of your own home. Each cell group will have a different element of the service, from refreshments to the talk, from prayer to a game. The aim is to host the cell celebration around the 19th of July (more details will follow) but all are welcome to watch our celebration!
Bible in a Lockdown
If you would like to be involved and you already aren't, either get in touch with Olly and I or follow @stleonardslockdown on instagram.
If you would like to be involved and you already aren't, either get in touch with Olly and I or follow @stleonardslockdown on instagram.
If you need to contact us about anything, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539 747237 (Olly)
Phone: 07843 173751 (Dobbo)
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

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