3-10th May

Coming up next week... 
After a bit of a false start last week with the bank holiday, we are now back with a bang. There is a fair amount happening in the next few days, but mostly notice that even though there is a bank holiday... that isn't stopping us this time!!! 

Cell Groups
Our cell celebration is coming up on the 19th of May, so most (but not all!!) cells will be preparing for that. The theme this time is loneliness and you will hear which part fo the service you are doing a your cell next week! Read on for more... 

Year 7 Cell: WILL BE MEETING!!! Even though this Monday (6th May) is a bank holiday, we have decided that unless meet, then the bank holidays will mean you have missed too many cells, so being the lovely leaders that we are, we are keeping cell going. We will be preparing for our part in the cell celebration
Year 8 Cell:  WILL BE MEETING!!! Even though this Monday (6th May) is a bank holiday, we have decided that unless meet, then the bank holidays will mean you have missed too many cells, so being the lovely leaders that we are, we are keeping cell going. We will be preparing for our part in the cell celebration
Year 9 Cell: will be preparing for the Cell Celebration
Year 10 Cell:  WILL BE MEETING!!! Even though this Monday (6th May) is a bank holiday, we have decided that unless meet, then the bank holidays will mean you have missed too many cells, so being the lovely leaders that we are, we are keeping cell going. We will be preparing doing our acts of service, which originally we had planned for last week. 
Year 11 Cell: will doing a session on the Holy Spirit. They will be meeting on Wednesday at 7.30pm - 9pm at Marion's house.
Year 12 Cell: will be preparing for the Cell Celebration
Year 13 Cell: will be preparing for the Cell Celebration

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (3rd May) its Tournament Night. Come ready to compete against your mates to win a series of head to head battles. The winner of the evening will be immortalised by having their name added to the famous Friday Pathfinders trophy, plus another prize, but by comparison that's not worth mentioning!! But be prepared to compromise, as not everyone will want to compete against you in only the things you are good at... 

Next week (10th May) we are joining up with Old Pathfinders for a 'Friends Night' just like the TV show we will be hanging out in a cafe (Lyall and Co instead of Central Perk) and will be having fun. Unlike the show people won't be watching you to make them laugh (unless you are Dobbo). Its a bit more than our usual entrance fee but that includes food, drink and craft (as well as board and video games and the use of the whole venue). 

You can book tickets here. and we have a  discount code which is 'stleonards' (if cost is still an issue please get in touch and we will sort something) 

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (3rd May) its Indian night, run by our very own Hannah Gundry and Cobring back some of the games they picked up while they were over there! 

Next week (10th May) we are joining up with Younger Pathfinders for a 'Friends Night' just like the TV show we will be hanging out in a cafe (Lyall and Co instead of Central Perk) and will be having fun. Unlike the show people won't be watching you to make them laugh (unless you are Dobbo). Its a bit more than our usual entrance fee but that includes food, drink and craft (as well as board and video games and the use of the whole venue). 

You can book tickets here. and we have a  discount code which is 'stleonards' (if cost is still an issue please get in touch and we will sort something) 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week, being led Olly and Ruth all about God's presence in His absence. 

CYFA is back this week too, being led by Steve and Claire carrying on our series in Mark (we are now at Mark 12... nearly there guys)

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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