17th - 24th May

Coming up next week... 
Another splendid week has come and gone and what fantastic week we have had. The cell celebration is well and truly ready and we are looking forward to it. We are both thinking of all of you who have started exams this week, you can do it, keep going!! Please read on to find out what is happening this week in St Leonards Youth.

Cell Groups
Don't forget the cell celebration is on Sunday (get in there). Please be there for 5 O'Clock or whatever time your cell leaders have asked you to arrive. This coming week it will be up to you and your leaders as to whether you are meeting so please make sure you contact them!

Younger Friday Pathfinders
After a fantastic evening at Lyall and Co last week, we are back in our natural habitat of the church hall. Tonight (17th May) is Harry Potter night. Come ready to play some quidditch, learn how to levitate objects and put a load of stuff into a pot and see if you can make it change colour. Feel free to go all out on the dress up front.

Next week (24th May) it is time to dust off your best apron and come prepared to bake the best cake you have ever made. This will be another joint pathfinders, starting at 6:30.

Please find the term rota Here

Older Friday Pathfinders
After a fantastic evening at Lyall and Co last week, we are back in our natural habitat of the church hall. Tonight (17th May) it is time to find out who will triumph in the ultimate battle of the sexes.

Next week (24th May) it is time to dust off your best apron and come prepared to bake the best cake you have ever made. This will be another joint pathfinders, starting at 6:30.

For this terms rota click Here

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday pathfinders is being led Ruth and Graham this week and they are going to be guiding you through a plan entitled "What a faithful God". 

CYFA is back this week. Nick and Olly will be taking you through another chapter of Mark.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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