Keeping you updated...

What's new... 

You may notice soon that there have been a few changes around here. This first is that Beth has now handed over the reins to this chap: 

The second is that there is now a new 'Youth Steering Group' overseeing the work and making sure I am properly managed.  

Blog, huh, yeah, what is it good for... (quite bit actually)
If you are too young (or too old) to use things like Facebook, or you want a regular place where you can look to find out what is going on, then this is the blog is the place to come for all your St. Leonard's Youth related information. We will be putting out a blog every Monday letting you know what is coming up, which groups are on or not on and what we will be doing. You can even sign up to get an email with every new blog as and when it comes. 

Next week...
On that note here is the run down of what is happening next week... 

Cell groups
Normally cell groups would start back on the first full week of term. However, this term, to give us chance to catch up with the changes and get things set up, cell groups will not be starting until the week beginning 19th September. Most cells will be at the same time and places as last year and you should hear from your leaders before hand. But if you don't or need to know more, give us an email at 

Friday Pathfinders
Just like Cell groups Friday Pathfinders (older and younger) will be starting a bit later than usual. The first one will be on Friday 22nd September (6.30pm in the church hall) and we will be doing some "ice breaker" games, which usually involves actually breaking some physical ice at some point. This time we will have the added bonus of getting to chuck some actual ice over one of the leaders heads.

CYFA & Sunday Pathfinders
This Sunday all the youth are staying in church because we have the Youth Band playing, feed back about different summer camps and we are praying for our new youth worker (and looking at him, he really needs it!).


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