12th - 18th September

Coming up this week... 

Its another week of admin catch up this week for the youth work (Boo Hiss) but we are back properly next week (Hooray). Here is some stuff you might want to know before that...

Youth Band
If you have ever heard our youth band play you will know that they are amazing. As a special treat they are actually having its first meeting back this week, ahead of all the other groups. So if you were in the youth band last year come along again tonight. For the Junior band, they will be meeting at 7.00pm in St. Leonard's Church. At 8.00pm the older band will show up so that everyone can play together for half an hour and then at 8.30pm the younger lot will clear off and the Senior band will have their session. All without annoying a single neighbour (hopefully). 

Cell Groups 
There are no cell groups meeting this week. We will be starting back again next week (19th September) and unless you hear otherwise it will be at the same time and place as it was last year. 

For the new year 7 cell it looks like we having it at the same time as last year (7.15pm - 8.30pm) and I'll be letting you know the place this week.  

Speaking of Year 7s check out this blast from the past! 10 points if you can identify them all...

Friday Pathfinders
The first Friday Pathfinders (older and younger) will be starting back on Friday 22nd September. Prepare to have the ice thoroughly broken (in case you didn't read last weeks, it will be Ice Breaker Games)! 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is BACK!! This Sunday we will be looking at what it means to be part of Sunday Pathfinders as well as praying for each other. 

CYFA is also having its first Sunday back this Sunday. We will be looking at different ways to engage with the Bible and seeing which ones work best for us. 

In case you missed it, last week some of us got the chance to jump off the roof of the church! It's amazing how many people said that they had always wanted to do it. Maybe that says something about the sermons at our church... 

Anyway it was brilliant fun, and it was all for a good cause. If you fancy sponsoring any of the young people that did it, please get in touch at youth.stleonards@gmail.com

Consent forms!
The new consent form is ready to be downloaded so you can fill it out and give it to us next week. It's bigger than it used to be, but it means you only need one no matter how many groups you go to. 

Consent form

If you haven't sent or accepted a friend request from my new 'Olly Shaw (youth worker)' Facebook account, then you should do that as at the start of next week I will have to start deleting people from my old one. 


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