26th September - 2nd October

Coming up this week... 

One week down and 4 more to go (until half term). Last week started well and it feels good to be back! Here is a list of what is coming up and some other useful things you need to know...

Cell Groups 
This week at cells Year 7 + 8 + 11 will be looking at 'Guidance and how to listen for it', Year 10 Cell will be looking at 'Who is Jesus', Year 9 will be looking at 'Prayer' and Year 12 + 13 will be looking at 'What is Church for?'. Complicated I know, but we should all fall back into sync by next week (with the exception of year 12 + 13 cells as they all have young leaders in who need to be ahead of the game).    

Year 7 Cell - the newest members of our cell group family!!
(Naomi had to go before this was taken but she is one of us too!)

Parents, please make sure you have filled out at Consent form. Cell members, make sure you bring the Consent form as we are only allowed to let people come along for one week without one!

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Last week we had an amazing time breaking the ice. This week we will be playing a life size game of Pokemon GO, hunting down "real Pokemon" (either that or leaders dressed in ridiculous Pokemon costumes) through the streets of Eynsham. 

Don't forget your Consent form!

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
Like younger, last week we had a great time breaking ice at older Pathfinders (even if you guys did cheat and cover me in grassy, as well as spitty, ice!). This week's theme for older is yet to be decided, but I will let you know as soon as I do... 

War wounds from the record breakers

Don't forget your Consent form!

Sunday Pathfinders
I hope everyone who tried them enjoyed their BBQ eggs at the BBQ last week. It was great to see you all and hang out.  

This week Sunday Pathfinders will be lead by Jennifer and Angela and we will be looking at 2 Timothy: 2.  

This week CYFA will lead by the renowned speaker and writer, Nick Page, and the slight less renowned youth worker, Olly Shaw. We will be carrying on our series on the Bible, so try to bring one along with you if you can. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, I thought it would be helpful to have a list of contact information, so here it is:

Phone: 07725606725 
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

I have been asked to provide an official photo for the church website. I thought this would do the trick...

Consent forms!
No matter which group you are in, parents need to fill out one of these forms and make sure you get it to us as soon as possible. 

Consent form


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