Feb 6th-14th

Coming up next week... 
Roll up, roll up, sit comfortably and get ready to be informed. Unlike Steven last week, I am literally bubbling over with excitement about writing this weeks blog and I'm full of hilarious and witty jokes so prepare to be mildly amused (at best). This week we have our Cell Celebration, makeup night, possibly a bit of patience and some overseas travel thrown in for good measure. Read below to find out more...   

Cell Groups
This Sunday at 6pm in St. Learned's (9th February) is our termly Cell Celebration. People who are in Cell Groups If you have never been to one of these I can highly recommend them. They are essentially an informal church service, planned and delivered by all the members of our cell groups. We have games, food, a talk and prayer stations and the theme this term is Patience. 

If you have been before you know what to expect, so I will see you there. 

If don't know what your Cell is doing for the Cell Celebration this time, then find out from your leaders! 

After the Cell Celebration, cell groups will mostly be doing their own thing. Some wont be meeting, some will be doing and final session on patience and others will be having a social. Please can all members of cells check with their leaders to find out what their cell is planning on doing. 

Younger Friday Pathfinders 
Tomorrow (7th Feb) we are having a makeup and video games night, planned and delivered by our resident makeup and video games experts. Prepare to be totally entertained and beautified.  

Next week (14th Feb) there is no Friday Pathfinders!! 

Older Friday Pathfinders 
This Friday (7th Feb) Immi, Naomi and Hope have prepared a 'make over' special for us all to 'enjoy'. There will also be computer games for the less aesthetically minded of us but come prepared for an evening of pampering and luxury. It will be a bit like a spar but instead of a spar we will be in the church hall and instead of a nice massage you can play a computer game... and all for the bargain price of £2. 

Next week (14th Feb) there is no Friday Pathfinders!! ! 

Sunday Pathfinders 
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week. We are having a CAP (Christians Against Poverty) session run by Jennifer, with Olly as the helper. Oh and there will also be danish pastries to eat... 

Last week I hear CYFA put the finishing touches on our plans for church domination? This week there isn't any CYFA but... the plans are underway. 

Some of us from the youth are taking part in a mission trip to Moldova during February half term. We are setting off on Friday 14th Feb for a week of serving, learning and growing our faith. 

The organisation we are joining with are called Reign Ministries and will be sending out regular photos and updates about the trip. 

If you would like regular updates of what we are doing, along with prayer requests, then please let me know and I will get you signed up.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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