Sept 29th - Oct 6th

Coming up next week... 
I hope everyone has had a fantastic week. Here at St. Leonard's Youth we have been busy (in a good way). This week we have a got a cell celebration coming up, and a Friday Pathfinders first... 
Cell Groups 
For the next 2 weeks all of our cell groups will be preparing for our up coming Cell Celebration on 15th October. Come ready to be creative with ideas of how we can make this the best cell celebration yet... 

The winner of our breath holding competition was Grace Ford, with a staggering 55 seconds. In a worthy last place was Hannah Gundry with slightly less impressive 3 seconds

Timing reminder: 
Year 10 Cell. It is Week A next week, so Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Wednesday (4th Oct) next week at 8.15pm. Finishing at 9.30pm. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Tonight (29th Sep) its a Friday Pathfinders first. Never seen before. We will be having our first ever.... POTATO NIGHT (try to contain your excitement)... Come ready to learn to juggle, play potato football, potato boule, potato pictionary and generally celebrate the humble spud. 

It will the most potato based fun you have ever had.  

Next week (6th October) will be Make a Film night, you will need to come dressed as your favourite film characters to create a masterpiece of epic proportions. 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (29th Sep) its Dark Games, think light house, murder in the dark, pegging in the dark and killer frisbee in the dark. Then come along tonight to have all that come true... 

Next week (6th October) is Disney Night. We are expecting costumes worthy of Mulan, Simba and Moana. 

Sunday Pathfinders 
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week we will be looking at Hebrews 15:11 - 6:3. It is being led by Simon and Angela. Make sure you remember to bring your Sunday Pathfinders bibles, you will have things to take away in them and you will need them to make notes!! 


CYFA is back this Sunday. We will be thinking about communion. What is it and why do we do it. It will be being led by Olly and Claire. 

Consent forms!
By next week, we need consent forms from everyone who attends any of our groups. Please could everyone print out the consent form below and make sure to bring it to the next St. Leonard's activity you come to!

Soul Survivor
Even more exciting than normal consent forms (I know hard to believe that such a thing exists), the Soul Survivor Consent forms are now out! If you want a printed copy, ask Olly for one or you can download them from here: 

Soul Survivor Consent Forms and letters

On the 8th October Bishop Colin is coming to our church and we are having confirmation service. Even more excitingly some of our crew are signed up to get confirmed! So make sure you have that date in your diary. 

If you are interested in getting baptised or confirmed, come and have a chat with Olly or get in touch with our Vicar Duncan. We'd love to chat to you about it. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237



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