14th - 22nd September

Coming up next week... 
We are just at the end of our first full week back in full swing things and it feels good to be back! Here is some information you might need to know...
Cell Groups 
Cell groups all started back with a social and a bit of a catch up. We've had some new leaders join the team which has been brilliant. Here is what cells will be doing this week:  

  • Year 7 - 11 Cells:  We will be looking at what it actually means to be a Christian. Are we following Christ? Are we following Ian? All these mysteries and more should be sorted out by the end of this cell session. 
  • Year 12 - 13 Cells: We will be looking at Baptism and Confirmation. Ever wondered what baptism and confirmation are actually about and why we do them? Wonder no more. Just come to cell! 
Both topics are very Christian sounding, but since we are a church youth group, I think we can probably get away with it... 

Timing reminders: 
Year 10 Cell. It is Week B, so Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Wednesday (20th Sep) next week at 8.15pm. Finishing at 9.30pm. 

Year 11 Cell. next week Year 11 Cell will be starting with its new start time of 3.50pm, finishing at 5. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This Friday (15th Sep) its Ice Breaker night. Come dressed up warm and ready to get to know people just that little bit better. No frozen pants this year, I promise. Can't promise I haven't frozen some other items of clothing though. 

Next week (22nd Sep) will be music night. Get ready to flex those musical muscles. 

Friday Pathfinders (older)

Tonight  (15th Sep) its Ice Breaker night, just like at younger. And in the same way, I can promise there won't be any frozen pants. I can't however promise that there won't be any ice... 

Sunday Pathfinders
This week Sunday Pathfinders is on!! We will be talking about giving and it will be lead by Lisa and Olly. Make sure you remember to bring your Pathfinders Bibles, you will need them! (if you don't have one yet you will get one this week). 


Is on this week! So make sure you are there and bring a bible. It will be all about Baptism and Confirmation (noticing at theme here? Should set you up for cell). It's being led by Nick and Steve.  

Baptism and Confirmation...
You might be noticing a theme in some of what we are doing over the next week and... wait... there's more... 

On the 24th September Naomi McCobb is getting baptised down at the Mill at around 2pm (after a picnic). Make sure its in the diary and if you are around come along and support her. Also, make sure you bring swimming stuff! Can't have a baptism without having a swim afterwards (I'm pretty sure that's in the bible somewhere). 

Then, on the 8th October Bishop Colin is coming to our church and we are having confirmation service. Even more excitingly some of our crew are signed up to get confirmed! So make sure you are around for that too. 

If you are interested in getting baptised or confirmed come and have a chat with me or get in touch with our Vicar Duncan. We'd love to chat to you about it. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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