First blog of the year...

Coming up next week... 
Here is the first blog of the year. This week has been mostly filled with leaders meetings for all of our groups, but next week everything starts back properly. Here is some information you might need to know...
Cell Groups 
Cell groups will be starting back next week (W/B 11th Sept). Most groups will be meeting at the same times and the same places as before the summer, but, just to keep it interesting, there are 2 exceptions: 

  • Year 8 (was year 7) Cell is now moving from being on Monday nights at 7.15pm to being on Thursday nights at 7.30pm. Still at the Ferrier's house. 
  • Year 10 (was year 9) Cell is moving days and locations. Its much more complicated but since you're so old and wise, you should be able to handle it. Instead of our old slot of 3.15pm on Mondays, we are now going to alternate between Wednesday nights at 8.15pm and Thursday nights at 7.15pm (think of it like weeks A and B at school if that helps). So starting next week, we will be having cell at 7.15pm on Thursday night (14th September). Then the week after we will have it on Wednesday (20th) at 8.15pm and so on and so forth. We are also changing locations. We will now be meeting at the Harrington's house. I will be emailing your parents with the address later today. 

Friday Pathfinders
Friday Pathfinders (Older and Younger) both start back next week! Lets hope its warmer than today because we will be playing ice breaker games...  

Sunday Pathfinders

This week Sunday Pathfinders is on!! We are welcoming some newbies to the group and going through what it means to be part of Sunday Pathfinders. We also have a present for you all so make sure you are there! 

Dates for the dairy
Since its the first blog of the year I thought you might want to know some of the big dates for this academic year: 

23rd - 25th March - is our annual Youth Weekend Away!! This is for anyone who is involved in the youth work and we always have an amazing time. Make sure you don't book anything else for this date.

24th - 29th August - we are heading for Soul Survivor. Anyone who is in year 9 and above is allow to come with us, so keep your holiday free. There is also a slight chance that we may need to head down on the evening of the 23rd, but we will confirm that closer to the time. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237



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