22nd - 29th September

Coming up next week... 
September is nearly over. October is looming its chilly yet jolly head. Here is what is in store for St. Leonard's Youth this week... 
Cell Groups 
Last week Year 7-11 Cell groups look at what it actually means to be a Christian. Year 12-13 Cell groups looked at Baptism and Confirmation. Here is what cells will be doing this week:  

  • Year 7 - 11 Cells:  We will be looking Baptism and Confirmation. What it is and why do we do it? 
  • Year 12 - 13 Cells: We will be looking at The Creed. Have you ever really thought about 'the creed' that gets said in churches? Do we really believe everything that is said? What does it all actually mean? Find out next week in another exciting addition of cell groups... 

Timing reminder: 
Year 10 Cell. It is Week B, so Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Thursday (28th Sep) next week at 7.15pm. Finishing at 8.30pm. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Tonight (22nd Sep) its Music night (and the feeling's right). Every little thing we do will be magic and involve music of one kind or another. If, like me, you don't know what is in the top 10 charts at the moment, it might be worth finding out. 

Next week (29th Sep) will be POTATO NIGHT! A first for Friday Pathfinders, and probably the world over... 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (29th Sep) the night will be twofold. First we will play some games of the classic verity. Next we will come up with some ideas for what we want to do with the rest of the term.  

Next week (29th Sep) will very much depend on what plans we come up with this week. 

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA 
There is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this week. It is however an All Age Worship at church and I hear they have an excellent person doing a little talk...

Consent forms!
Now we have had our first full and proper week back in the youth work, we really need everyone's consent forms. If you haven't managed to get one filled out yet, please can you download it from below and bring it along with you next time you come to anything. 

Soul Survivor
Even more exciting than normal consent forms (I know hard to believe that such a thing exists), the Soul Survivor Consent forms are now out! So, look out for them at your next cell/pathfinders session, or download them from here: 

Soul Survivor Consent Forms and letters

Baptism and Confirmation...
This Sunday 24th September Naomi McCobb is getting baptised down at the Mill at around 2pm (after a picnic). So come along to both if you can.

On the 8th October Bishop Colin is coming to our church and we are having confirmation service. Even more excitingly some of our crew are signed up to get confirmed! So make sure you have that date in your diary. 

If you are interested in getting baptised or confirmed, come and have a chat with me or get in touch with our Vicar Duncan. We'd love to chat to you about it. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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