3rd - 10th March
Coming up this week...
ONE MORE WEEK TILL THE WEEKEND AWAY!!!!! Here is what you need to know this week...
Cell Groups
All cell groups will be carrying on our sessions about family next week (w/c 6th March).
The week after that there won't be any Cell Groups as we will be letting our poor exhausted leaders catch up on some much needed sleep!
The except to this rule is Year 11 Cell. Because you meet on a Friday, you will be having cell today (3rd), no cell next week (10th) but you will have cell the week after that (17th) when everyone else is resting. Clear? I think so...
The week after that there won't be any Cell Groups as we will be letting our poor exhausted leaders catch up on some much needed sleep!
The except to this rule is Year 11 Cell. Because you meet on a Friday, you will be having cell today (3rd), no cell next week (10th) but you will have cell the week after that (17th) when everyone else is resting. Clear? I think so...
Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (3rd March) is 'Wide Games' down at the field, so come dress in warm clothes that you don't mind getting muddy!! BUT DON'T WORRY... if its raining lots, we have a back up plan...
Next week (10th March) there is no Friday Pathfinders :(. But that is because we have the WEEKEND AWAY!! :D
Friday Pathfinders (older)
Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and its being led by Lisa and Graham. We will be looking at Mark 12: 1-12.
CYFA is on this week. It's being lead by Steve and Claire and will be looking at Cults.
Youth Weekend Away
Youth Weekend Away is NEXT WEEK!!
Please aim to be at the Medical Centre car park by 6.15pm, having already had some tea, so that we can set off nice and on time (6.30pm). That means if you are me, Jed, Scarlett or Illie, you need to aim for about 5.15pm ;).
Brace yourselves Viney Hill, we're coming back... |
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

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