24th - 31st March
Coming up this week...
Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and finds out what is going on (there are 100 of you apparently)! If you know someone who should, but doesn't, feel free to punch them or inform about what you have read in a loving and Christian manner, which ever floats your boat. Make sure you scroll all the way to the end of this weeks, as there are some special bonus photos for you and your family to 'enjoy'...
Cell Groups
Cell groups are a little bit more mixed up than normal this week, so below is who is doing what:
Year 7 cell - we will be at the Ferrier's, like normal, looking at 'how we can be good friends'
Year 8 cell - we will be at Carolines, like normal, but we will be looking at 'Big Questions' this week, so come ready with any big questions you might have, the big the better.
Year 9 cell - lots of people in year 9 cell will be on a 'battle fields trip' but the rest of us are saying battle fields, "smattle smeilds". As well as saying that, we are going to have a social in the Church Hall, playing lots of games and eating pizza and cake. So, if you can bring pizza or a cake you will earn much love and respect from all involved.
Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 cell - are all meeting at their normal places and normal times, looking at 'how we can be good friends'.
Year 7 cell - we will be at the Ferrier's, like normal, looking at 'how we can be good friends'
Year 8 cell - we will be at Carolines, like normal, but we will be looking at 'Big Questions' this week, so come ready with any big questions you might have, the big the better.
Year 9 cell - lots of people in year 9 cell will be on a 'battle fields trip' but the rest of us are saying battle fields, "smattle smeilds". As well as saying that, we are going to have a social in the Church Hall, playing lots of games and eating pizza and cake. So, if you can bring pizza or a cake you will earn much love and respect from all involved.
Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 cell - are all meeting at their normal places and normal times, looking at 'how we can be good friends'.
Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (24th March) is 'First Aid night'! We have got someone coming in to teach us first aid and what to do in an emergency situation... good stuff to know and hopefully it should be fun as well.
Next week (31st March) is still to be confirmed (oooooh mysterious!!) but we will let you know soon.
Next week (31st March) is still to be confirmed (oooooh mysterious!!) but we will let you know soon.
Tonight (24th March) is 'Classic Games' night. It can be anything from Kibaddi to Tray bash to any of the other 'classic' games. The trick is though, that you get to choose what counts as a classic, so have a think which of our games you want to promote to classic status. Also, in the interest of not being totally left behind, we'll have one slot for a brand new game that we haven't ever played before, so get thinking and be creative!
Next week (31st March) is to be confirmed. We will let you know soon what it will be!
Next week (31st March) is to be confirmed. We will let you know soon what it will be!
Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week, it's being led by Jennifer and Graham and will be on Mark 3:31-35. We will also be keen to find out how you got on with Bible reading/quite time this week.
For one time, and one time only, CYFA is on for a 4th Sunday, crazy I know, I don't even know who I am anymore... Steve and Olly will be leading a session all about 'Claims against Christianity'
Youth Weekend Away
I know what you were thinking, I'll do that questionnaire thing in a bit... and then a bit came and you didn't do it... well here's a second chance, just click the link below:
If you don't fill it out this week, these two will come for you... |
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
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