31st March - 7th April

Coming up this week... 

Apparently, this blog was read by 21 people in Russia last week, so to all our Russian friends, spasibo! Here is what is happening in the coming week... 

Cell Groups 
Because it is the last week of term, most cell groups will be having a social, except for; Year 9 and Year 10 cell who are playing catch up and having a session on 'how to be a good friend'. All cells are at their normal times and normal places.  

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (31st  March) is 'The Eggciting Eggstreme Easter Egg Evening'! Planned by our very own Robert Murrell! Because its nearly Easter, we will be playing lots Easter and egg related games. Some active and fun (planned by Robert) and some just plain ridiculous and a bit gross (that Olly added in).

Casual bit of first aid. I spoke to the guy afterwards and he was well impressed with our group 

Next week (7th April) is going to be Café Night, so remember to bring extra money, to pay for the delicious, delicious food.

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (31st March) is ‘Family Fortunes’ night. We will be playing quizzes based off of the classic game show Family Fortunes (as the name may have suggested)

Next week (7th April) is going to be the ‘Easter Extravaganza’, so very similar to Younger Pathfinders on the 31st.

Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA 
This week is the APCM at church, so there is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA. If you don't know what the APCM is, its basically a big whole church meeting to go through the things we have been doing last year and talk about what we are going to be doing next. 

Just to catch you out, it starts at 10am (not 10.45) so remember to get there early! 

Soul Survivor 
This Sunday (4th April) at 4pm we are doing a sponsored run for Soul Survivor. We are basically running the distance (between all of us) from here to the show ground in Peterborough where Soul Survivor is being held (about 81 miles). If you want to sponsor us (please, please, pretty please) there is a sponsorship form at the back of church, or you can get in touch using the contact info below. 

Did I mention I ran a marathon once??

Work experience 
You might have noticed that this weeks blog has far fewer typos and spelling mistakes than normal. That is because Robert Murrell has been doing his work experience with us at St. Leonard's Youth and part of his time he spent writing this blog!! We hope he has enjoyed his time with us, we definitely enjoy him being here. 

Dream team! 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



  1. Small point: Sunday is April 2nd, not 4th!
    Rick Taylor.


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