17th - 24th March

Coming up this week... 

Now the Weekend Away has happened, we need something else to look forward to until next year. So, here is what is coming up in the next week... (in honour of a brilliant weekend, all the photos in this weeks blog are from the weekend away!)

Cell Groups 
All cell groups are back next week and will be finishing off the set of plans about families. 

Year 7 cell - last time we met, we talked about all having a meal together. We have decided to wait for this until after Easter, so we will be having a normal session like everyone else! 

Year 11 cell - because you guys missed out last week, you will be meeting today (17th) even though no other cells have met this week. You will be doing session 3 of the families plan. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (17th March) is 'Morris Night'! So wear clothes you can move about well in and feel free to come dressed as Morrisey as you can.

Next week (24th March) its 'Emergency Services Night' where we will be learning some cool CPR stuff and getting to play with defibrillators (although probably training ones, we haven't killed anyone at Pathfinders yet and I'm keen to keep up that streak!) 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (17th March) is 'BAKE OFF night'. Don't worry those of you who have given up chocolate and sugar, we can make some stuff that caters to you too. There will be both a savoury and a sweet round, so its more hardcore than we've done before, we might even try to make something edible this time... Please can people bring any cooking type equipment they have, so that we have go lots to use! 

It takes more than the real Bake Off selling out to stop us from having a themed night of trying to bake stuff and almost killing the taster... 

Next week (24th March) will be classic games, you will get to choose what counts, so rack your brains and try and dig out any old favourites. 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and we are going all out! We are going to meet at the start of church like normal, but then, not like normal, we are going to walk to the Ferrier's house together where we will be greeted by (and treated to) some delicious bacon or sausage butties! 

After the feast we will be hearing from some of the leaders about how they read the Bible in quite times and we will give you chance to have a go at the way that sounds good to you. 

If you can, please bring a Bible with you this week, as you will need one for the having a go bit!! 

Even though the more Eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed its a 3rd Sunday, there wont be any CYFA this week (OH THE HUMANITY!!). But its OK, our lovely Senior Youth Band are playing in church so we are staying in to listen to them! We will have CYFA the week after though, even though its a 4th Sunday, to make up for it (curiouser and curiouser...)

Youth Weekend Away 

Did you come to the Weekend Away? If you did we want to hear what you thought of it, so please could you fill out this little Survey Monkey, its only 10 questions (that's all you get for free) so it shouldn't take you long, just click the link below: 

Soul Survivor 
Already missing the Youth Weekend Away and need another hit of St. Leonard's based time away?? Have no fear because its only 22 weeks (or 160 days) until we go to Soul Survivor!! 

If you haven't yet fill out a consent form for Soul Survivor but you want to come, you can download one from the Soul Survivor 2017 Facebook group, if you aren't in it and want to be, let me know.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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