31st March - 7th April

Coming up this week... Apparently, this blog was read by 21 people in Russia last week, so to all our Russian friends, spasibo! Here is what is happening in the coming week... Cell Groups Because it is the last week of term, most cell groups will be having a social, except for; Year 9 and Year 10 cell who are playing catch up and having a session on 'how to be a good friend'. All cells are at their normal times and normal places. Friday Pathfinders (younger) This week (31 st March) is 'The Eggciting Eggstreme Easter Egg Evening'! Planned by our very own Robert Murrell! Because its nearly Easter, we will be playing lots Easter and egg related games. Some active and fun (planned by Robert) and some just plain ridiculous and a bit gross (that Olly added in). Casual bit of first aid. I spoke to the guy afterwards and he was well impressed with our group ...