27th Jan - 3rd Feb

Coming up this week... 

Hold on to your horses. Unless you don't have any horses, which come to think of it, most people don't... I feel like I might be mixing up my expressions here. Anyway, here is what you need to know this week...

Cell Groups 
All cell groups will continue preparing for the Cell Celebration that is happening on the 5th Feb. If you want to know which cell is leading what, feast your eyes below: 

Year 7 Cell - Prayer stations 
Year 8 Cell - Prayer stations 
Year 9 Cell - Talk 
Year 10 Cell - Prayer stations
Year 11 Cell - video/drama/creative presentation 
Year 12 Cell - up front reflection activity  
Year 13 Cell -welcome, welcome game and refreshments

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
IT HAS ARRIVED. Today (27th Jan) Younger Friday Pathfinders will be having its first ever murder mystery night!! Most of you should already have your characters from last week, but, if you don't there will be some roles you can have and still play (just come dressed smart!). Oh, and try not to get murdered... 

Next week (3rd Feb) we will be having a 'Challenge night'. Prepare to be challenged! 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (27th) we will be going to a really great talk that is happening in the church by a guy called Charlie Walker.

He will be talking about an adventure he went on, where basically he set off on a bike armed  with only a tent, rode thousands of miles and then came home 4 years later... should be pretty interesting. 

Next week (3rd Feb) is still TBD, but last week we had an amazing time celebrating the fact that Peter is now really old. Thank you to everyone who came and a big thank you to Hazzy for the brilliant pass the parcel (some of the best prizes I have ever seen). 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and its being led by Olly and Graham. The theme this week (and for quite a bit actually) is who Jesus is. 

There is no CYFA this Sunday but next week (5th Feb) we will be back and looking a the discipline of fasting. 

The deadline for the weekend away letters has past, but if you are really nice to me, I still might be able to squeeze you in! 

If you still haven't had a letter you can download them from here

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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