13th - 20th January

Coming up this week... 

We are now back into the swing of things. Cells have start, Friday Pathfinders is on tonight and we are gearing up for the weekend away! 

Soul Survivor
Every year we take a group of people in year 9 and above to a Christian festival called Soul Survivor

This year we will be going again!! The dates are the 24th - 30th August, so if you want to come, put it in your diaries/phones/bits of paper/however you keep track of dates (week C for those in the know).

Letters will be coming out for that trip in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for them if you are interested!   

Cell Groups 
Some of the groups have got a bit out of sync with each other, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks, most groups will have caught up. 
Year 7 cell will be looking at Spiritual Disciplines. 
Year 8 and 9 cell will be doing a second session on Mental Health.
Year 10, 11 and 13 cell will be doing Mental Health for the first time.  
Year 12 will be starting a 4 part set of sessions on family.

Most people don't realise what hard work it is being a cell leader, but Jack's face here says it all ;)

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Today (13th) Younger Pathfinders is playing Dark Games. If you have a torch you might want to bring it, and if I were you, I'd dress all in black!! 

Next week (20th) it will be another 'Movie Night' (while its still dark enough for the screen to look good). So, bring some movies along with you when you come.

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (13th) we will making plans like the geniuses (or is it genii) we are.

Next week .... who knows?!

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and its being led by Simon and Angela. The theme this week (and for quite a bit actually is who Jesus is). 

There is no CYFA this Sunday because Nick (one of our leaders) is preaching and we thought he might need the support (he gets very nervous, bless him). 

The deadline for getting the Weekend Away forms is this Monday (16th Jan) so get your forms in as soon as you can!

The forms for the weekend away should have been given out at cell groups and Pathfinders last week but if you still haven't had a letter you can download them from here

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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