6th - 13th Jan
Coming up this week...
This is the first blog of 2017! Just before the first proper week of our youth work in 2017. Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas!
Cell Groups
Cell groups start back next Monday (9th Jan) with most cells having a social, but cell groups in year 12+ looking at 'spiritual disciplines'.
Thank you to everyone who helped out with setting up (and washing up!!) for the cell social and to everyone came along. It was such a nice end to the cell group year to have everyone all together.
To make sure we keep making them better, if you came or if you are the parent of someone who came, please could you fill out the feedback form here.
(its only 10 questions and one of them is what superpower would you have, shapeshifting is very popular and currently tied for first place with flying, who knew)
Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Today (6th) leaders are having our termly leaders meeting, so the is no Pathfinders :(. Don't worry though because we will be coming up with lots of exciting/creative/weird plans for stuff to do this term and we'll be back raring and ready to go next week (14th)
Friday Pathfinders (older)
Same deal with Older Friday Pathfinders as Younger. We actually have a new leader joining the team, which is exciting. We'll introduce you to her soon. Also get your thinking hats on, because, as usual you will need to vote on what we do next term.
Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and its being led by Jennifer and Simon. Its about the Epiphany (bless you). I didn't know what that word meant either, but google it if you want to be in the know.
There is no CYFA this Sunday but the Youth Band are playing so it should be pretty darn good.
The deadline for getting the Weekend Away forms is looming ever closer (16th Jan) so get your forms in as soon as you can.
The forms for the weekend away should have been given out at cell groups and Pathfinders last week but if you still haven't had a letter you can download them from here.
If you looked at them before, they were only Pages documents. I've fixed that now so that they are PDFs
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

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