20t - 27th January

Coming up this week... 

The days are getting longer, and my intros are getting shorter. Cells are back, pathfinders is back and now lots of the youth work lot are gearing up for the weekend away. Here is what you need to know this week...

Soul Survivor
We had our first Soul Survivor planning meeting, which was pretty productive, well way more than they usually are anyway! 

Don't let this photo fool you. I took it after all the important organisey type work was done 
We have planned a few fundraisers and decided on who is organising them. If you want to know about all that stuff but couldn't make the meeting, let me know and I will fill you in and send you the notes we took (thanks for those by the way Elizabeth!). 

Cell Groups 
All cell groups start preparing for the Cell Celebration that is happening on the 5th Feb. If you want to know which cell is leading what, feast your eyes below: 

Year 7 Cell - Prayer stations 
Year 8 Cell - Prayer stations 
Year 9 Cell - Talk 
Year 10 Cell - Prayer stations
Year 11 Cell - video/drama/creative presentation 
Year 12 Cell - up front reflection activity  
Year 13 Cell -welcome, welcome game and refreshments

If you look very closely you will notice that Jude is, in fact, pulling the exact same face as the biscuit display behind him (a strange coincidence, but they do happen).

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Today (20th) Younger Pathfinders is playing having a 'Movie Night' (while we still have a bit of darkness for the screen to look nice). We will also be giving out the roles for next weeks murder mystery, so if you want a character for the murder mystery, make sure you come along tonight! 

I don't want to sway your decision, but this is one of the best films ever! 

Next week (27th) we are having our first every murder mystery dunnnn duunnnn duuuuuunnnnnnnnn..... 
Coming soon to a Pathfinders near you...

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (20th) it is Peter's birthday, well I suppose its his birthday all day really - Happy Birthday Peter! - any way, because it's his birthday we are having kids classic party games all night (obviously including that classic kid friendly party game killer frisbee.  
Next week (27th) we will be going to a really great talk that is happening in the church by this guy: 

He's an explorer and if you look at his Instagram it looks like he's done some pretty fun stuff! He's related to Alice Davies, so he has agreed to come and talk a talk at our church.

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week and its being led by Olly and Graham. The theme this week (and for quite a bit actually is who Jesus is). 

There is no CYFA this Sunday because Nick (one of our leaders) is preaching and we thought he might need the support (he gets very nervous, bless him). 

The deadline for the weekend away letters has past, but if you are really nice to me, I still might be able to squeeze you in! 

If you still haven't had a letter you can download them from here

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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