Trips, Cell Celebrations and other things...

For anyone who has never heard of a Cell Celebration it is a church service where all our regular cell groups come together to worship God. Each group plan and run a different part of the service and bring the whole thing together as a whole. They are run by the cell groups but anyone of any age is welcome to come along and we are really pleased that there is usually a great mix people and 'generations'!

The Sunday just gone (21st October) at 6pm we had our Cell Celebration for this term. The theme was 'Living Life to the Full'. The service was based around Jesus' statement in John 10:10 " I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". We looked at what it means to live life to the full and how following Jesus might effect that. About 90 people came along and as usual we had a full range of prayer stations, great music from The Vine, a great talk and welcome game.

Our next Cell Celebration is on Sunday 9th February 2014 at 6pm so if you have never been to a cell celebration before then why not come along and see what it is like!

In other news...

Letters are about to go out for both our Youth Weekend Away and Soul Survivor trips. Every year we have a fantastic time at both trips and I am really grateful that we get to run them again. If you have a child who would like to attend the trip you can download the forms from here:

One issue that could occur is coinciding dates. Because of changes to the way we are being charged, we require the deposit of £30 for the weekend away by 30th November and full payment by the 20th January. We also require the deposit of £70 for Soul Survivor by the 1st December. We realise that this may be quite a finical burden for some families, so prayer would be appreciated.  

On the whole this half term has been a great start to the academic year. We are looking forward to the next one and the up and coming Cell Group Social.

Next week is the half term holiday and the youth work team will be taking a break, so if you want to contact us, please be patient if we are slow to reply!

Prayer points: 

  • That no young people would be hindered from coming to Soul Survivor or the Weekend Away for finical reasons.
  • The next half term will be a very busy time for the youth work and we would appreciate prayers for energy to see us through.   


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