Apologists talk on 7th October

On Monday 7th October, we were blessed to be visited by Peter S Williams - apologist, philosopher, author and general very cool guy.
We broke into small groups to begin with and wrote down some questions with no restrictions (brave Peter). We then put them all together and the minions (Beth and Sarah) sorted them into similar questions. There were several themes that came up a lot, particularly questions on heaven and hell, why God created disabilities, and the Devil. Peter faced such a range of questions but he answered every one in a way that everybody could understand and with interesting information. The questions ranged from “What are your ideas on the cosmological argument?” to “What's your best Christian chat-up line?” and there was definitely something for everyone as Peter discussed his views on whether to take the Bible literally, dating and the challenges posed to us by new atheists.

Peter took away the questions that we ran out of time to ask and he will send an email through with his ideas and answers. Also, his recording of the evening will be available from his website on a podcast so you can listen again. Finally, we will be creating a leaflet/booklet type thing with the questions that were asked, plus the ones he is still to answer, with a summary of what he said so you have something to keep and refer back to.

If you weren't at the evening with Peter, you are still very welcome to receive the leaflet (once it has been put together) and listen to the podcast. Let one of the St Leonards youth team know and we can get the leaflet to you. His podcast will be available on his website: peterswilliams.com and on our website: stleonardsyouth.co.uk 


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