Sponsor an Intern...

As you will hopefully be aware by now, we have taken on 2 interns to work with us for this academic year. They will be studying under the internship programme at Oxford CYM www.oxfordcym.com/internship.html  (the same organisation that Olly did his degree with). We will be their placement church and they will be working with us full time.

So far, this has been fantastic and I am really excited to see all that God will be doing in our youth work through running this internship course. Already Beth and Sarah have got stuck in to everything and there is a real buzz around the office.

Taking on the interns does have a financial cost.

As a church we have agreed to pay for their travel expenses up to £800. Other than that, due to our current deficit, the PCC were unable to offer any other financial support such as covering their course fees (£1650 each) or contributing to their cost of living or housing for the year.  

So we are asking if you would like to Sponsor an Intern?...

Any money that you contribute would go towards covering the cost of their course fees, expenses and if they receive enough a financial gift to contribute to their living costs.

As a sponsor you would receive regular updates from your interns blogs, cards and if you wanted your very own intern cuddly toy (the last one is kind of a joke, but you could have a mini minion toy as a reminder to pray for your intern if you wanted).

If you are interested in supporting our work in this way then please email Olly on youth.stleonards@gmail.com or pop in to the church office.    


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