Prayer Update 14/10/13

It has been an eventful and exciting start to the new year. The major change has been the appointment of our 2 interns Beth and Sarah (they have their own update blogs, click on their names if you want to take a look). Having had them working with us officially for three weeks I can honestly say I am really excited for the next year and am looking forward to all God is going to do in them and through them. So far it has been going really well and God's hand is clearly on this.

In other news, we are already beginning to fund raise for next years Soul Survivor. Having had such a great time in August all the young people who went are very keen to go again so it is looking like next year will be very large!!

After Soul Survivor 2 young people have decided to start leading a CU at Bartholomew school. Our youth team has been visiting every week and seems to be a fantastic group!

Last week we had Peter S. Williams join us for a Q&A session at 7pm at the Church Hall with all of our cell groups to talk about tricky issues such as science and religion.

Our cell groups are now beginning to plan for this terms Cell Celebration which is happening on Sunday 20th October at 6pm

Prayer points: 

  • Please pray generally for the continued development of our interns and the internship programme we are running. 
    • More specifically, Sarah and Beth both started their lectures on Monday 7th October
  • Please pray for the Fundraising efforts for our Soul Survivor trip, we are starting early but there is a lot of money to raise.
  • Please pray for the CU at Bartholomew, that it continues to go from strength to strength and tha God encourages and equips the young people who are leading it.
  • Please pray for the Q&A session with Peter S. Williams, it was a great opportunity to try and tackle tricky questions about faith and the world. Pray that the young people continue to grapple with these issues and pursue God's truth.   
  • Please pray for the upcoming Cell Celebration.  


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