5th November 2020

Hello! Thanks for joining us for this week's blog. Our hope is that you're feeling at peace with all the changes at the moment as we, once again, go into lockdown.

As per, here's your update for the week:

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K 

Obviously there are some changes to the youth work due to the national lockdown. In a nutshell: cell groups will be moving to online. This means from today (Thursday 5th) for at least the next four weeks, we will be meeting via Zoom. Cell groups will remain at their usual times and we'll be sending out a link to join the Zoom chats in due course. Please let us know if there are any problems. 

We would love to get any young people who aren't already involved, into a cell group. So if you or someone you know is between school years 7 and 13 and are interested in cell, please get in contact so we can add them to a group! Contact details are at the bottom.

O T H E R   T H I N G S

We are permitted to meet 1-to-1 with young people during lockdown. This means that if you are one of the youth and you'd like to go for a walk/meet in a public place to chat with one of us (Olly, Jonny or Sarah), you can! Get in touch using the contact details below and we'd love to see you IRL.

There aren't many other events to tell you about at the moment, as we're trying to be creative and adapt the things we had planned for the coming weeks! Please keep checking back here, on Instagram and via any email communication from us to be kept in the loop. 

We have developed a feedback form for anything you might want to tell us - whether it's some constructive criticism or an idea you've had. So if you are feeling particularly inspired or want to have your say, you can do so by clicking here and filling out the form.

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

We know this might be a stressful, worrying and frustrating time for many. Or you might be feeling alright at the prospect of another lockdown. For us, it's mixed emotions as we try to adapt and keep working. 

But we know that God is with us and we are confident in the knowledge that He doesn't change. God is not on lockdown.

We love these words from the Psalms and hope you find them an encouragement too:

Thanks so much for catching up with us this week!  


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Instagram ~ @stleonards_youth

Facebook ~ @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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