19th November 2020

Hello! Thanks for joining us for this week's blog. You may have noticed that the blog was missing last week... I can only apologise that the rest of my work swamped me a little! 

As per, here's your update for the week: 

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K 

Cell groups will be continuing to 'meet' online. For at least this term, we'll be tackling big questions during cell. Last week, many cells began exploring the question, "What has faith got to do with LGBT+?" and we're looking ahead to spend time on other BIG questions like, "What if I'm wrong?" (having doubts in our faith) and "What does faith have to do with mental health?". This week, we'll be doing a mixture of things - depending on what your leaders think might be best! 

Although we are having to restrict meeting in bigger groups at the moment, we can meet 1-to-1 to go for a walk or sit outside (provided it's not too cold or rainy!). If you are a young person and would like to meet either Jonny, Olly or Sarah, please get in touch to arrange this. 

O T H E R   T H I N G S

On Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd December from 6-7.30pm, we will be inviting a speaker to come and talk to us online about 'The Week of Invitation'. This is an opportunity to hear and think more about how we can invite friends and loved ones along to church; how we can be inviting people to know God and the Christian faith. These two events will run instead of cell groups that week, and young people are welcome to come along to whichever session suits them better. If you're part of a cell group, next week we can give a bit more info and find out which night is best for your cell (so you don't have to come alone!).

We have developed a feedback form for anything you might want to tell us - whether it's some constructive criticism or an idea you've had. So if you are feeling particularly inspired or want to have your say, you can do so by clicking here and filling out the form

Jonny and Sarah now have their own phone numbers, yay! This means they can stay in touch more easily - check out their numbers at the bottom.

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

We are considering the best ways to stay in touch and reach out to our young people. As the social media person, I'm trying to get my head around a strategy and the best way for us to be present without being annoying! 

It would be great to hear your feedback on the blog and our other social media pages, so if you want to to get in touch or if you have any fresh ideas, I'd love to hear them! Feel free to drop me an email: sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Thanks so much for catching up with us this week!  


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com ~ 07762 392 798

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com ~ 07762 392 773

Instagram ~ @stleonards_youth

Facebook ~ @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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