22nd October 2020

Hello! Thanks for joining us for this week's blog. We're all feeling rather tired here in the office - it's been a busy half term! Hope you're looking forward to some kind of break next week.

As per, here's your update for the week:

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K 

We had a great time at our joint Zoom event with the young people and youth team from Cogges church on Monday (19th)! We saw Olly and Ben (Cogges' youth worker) theologically reflect on this video:

If this video doesn't work, you can click here to watch it.

It was an interesting topic to think about..! And truly brought out the British-ness of the group with the outrage felt by the terrible tea-making skills. Overall, we had a fun evening and were left with some interesting thoughts.

It's half term next week so there will be no cell groups. We will miss you all a lot, but look forward to seeing you back from week beginning 2nd November and wish you a restful, fun time off!

We would love to get any young people who aren't already involved, into a cell group. So if you or someone you know is between school years 7 and 13 and are interested in cell, please get in contact so we can add them to a group! Contact details are at the bottom.

O T H E R   T H I N G S

It's not too late to come along to our Film Night! It's tomorrow evening (Friday 23rd) in the church and we'd love to see you there. Bring your own drink, blankets and popcorn (or other snack if you fancy), but make sure you sign up here

N O T E : we can only have 15 young people at this event so it will be a first-come first-served basis, unless you had previously registered for Disc Golf, in which case you will have priority.

We would still really value your feedback on Sunday Pathfinders, so if you're a regular, please find the links to the questionnaires below.

For young people: click here

For parents: click here

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

Don't forget to let us know if there is anything we can do to better support you and your family; we pray for the young people regularly but are aware there are many stresses and strains. We will also all be around next week, despite it being half term, so if you'd like to chat or even grab a hot chocolate at Lyall's, one of us will happily oblige!

Thanks so much for catching up with us this week! Have a blessed half term break. 


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Instagram ~ @stleonards_youth

Facebook ~ @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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