24th September 2020

Hello! Welcome to this week's blog. It's been an odd week of holding on to routine as best we can despite the changing advice and, in true British style, the changing weather!

Nevertheless, here's your update for the week:

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K 

Cell groups continue with a session called "How was lockdown?" It's a massive question, but we hope this can be a time to reflect, share and pray together through what has been one of the strangest periods of our lives. 

We are offering our cell group members the opportunity to purchase some exciting merch! For £5, they can be the proud owner of a rain poncho, adorned with the St Leonard's Youth logo. We've found it's always a fun way to unite the group as well as keeping us dry from the (inevitable) rain we encounter during cell groups. If any cell group members are interested, there's a chance to sign up during cell (so we can get an idea of numbers). If you're interested and want to contact us using the details below, that's fine too!

As ever, we're continuing to work on getting other groups up and running - so keep checking here or our Instagram page for the latest updates.

O T H E R   T H I N G S

This Sunday (the 27th), there will be a church service at St Leonard's, meeting on the church land to celebrate harvest together. This will be a great opportunity to get back to church in-person or plug back in if you've been finding it difficult online. 

The details:

When? 10.30am on Sunday 27th

Where? St Leonard's Church land (next door to the church; where cell groups meet)

How? Please arrive with your household/bubble. You will be assigned an area to sit in, socially distanced from others, with resources you may need provided. If you're coming on your own, that's fine too - there will be an area for you to sit (socially distanced) with others.

Why? As a team, we believe in the church. This means meeting with others to worship and have community is important. If you would like to talk about any of this, or have any concerns, please get in touch on the details below.

You can also watch out for Olly and Jonny who will both be there too. 

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

This week has been tiring and I've certainly found life to be a little overwhelming at times! If, like me, you fancy some time to just sit and be quiet and listen, I've been loving listening to Come to the River by Housefires:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." ~ Psalm 34:8

Thanks so much for catching up with us this week! 


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com

Instagram ~ @stleonards_youth

Facebook ~ @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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