14th September 2020

Hello there! It's Sarah here. If you're not sure who I am, I'm one of the two new Assistant Youth Workers here at St Leonard's. I'm delighted to be joining the team; you can read more about Jonny and myself in the previous blog.

One of my roles will be to write this blog and oversee the social media to ensure you're all kept in the loop regarding what's coming up. So here goes...

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K

We are excited to be able to begin some of the youth work again, following lockdown and the summer holidays. 

In this strange and changing time, we want to reassure you that everything we do is going to be informed by the latest government advice. This means things can change and we will have to adapt; as ever, the first priority will always be the safety and well-being of our young people. 

C E L L   G R O U P S

Hooray! Cell groups will be beginning again next week from Monday 14th September.

The plan at the moment is to meet outside the church building (on the church's land beside the Red Lion pub car park) under a marquee with a fire pit. Being outside means it's easier to socially distance and gives us more flexibility with what we can do. It also means the young people don't have to wear a mask to cell group.

If the British weather lets us down, we have the option to go into the church building. This decision will be made ahead of cell group and we will aim to let the young people know this is happening, so they can bring a mask.

As mentioned above, we will be following all the guidelines including using antibacterial hand gel, maintaining social distance and cleaning any chairs or other materials used during cell groups. It's also important to note that the announcement made on Wednesday (9th September) regarding the adjusted regulations on face-to-face meetings does not apply to youth groups or activities, as long as all necessary precautions are taken (you can read about this guidance here).

Olly has put together a risk assessment specifically for cell groups. You can read it here. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to get in contact on the details below. 

O T H E R  G R O U P S

At the moment, Friday Pathfinders is still on halt. We are working hard to think about what we can do practically and safely, and will keep you updated!

CYFA and Sunday Pathfinders are also on pause, but you are always more than welcome to join the Sunday morning services. Again, we will be in touch when these groups can begin meeting (whatever that may look like!)

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

It has come to our attention that a video has gone viral across social media channels. It shows a man taking his own life and, although they are working hard to get it taken down, it still seems to be available on some platforms including TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook.

We want to let you know to ensure our young people are kept safe. 

If you need some support, we've pooled together some great trusted phone lines that you can call. You can also text SHOUT to 85258 to be connected via text to a trained volunteer.

If you would like to speak with any of us about this, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

S O C I A L   M E D I A

For more updates on what's happening, as well as regular encouragements, fun challenges and more chances to get in touch, you can follow us on Instagram @stleonards_youth and Facebook @stleonardsyoutheynsham 


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com 

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com


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