31st - 6th Jan

Coming up next week... 
Another blog...and I am being honest, I am all out of funny lines so just read on and find out what's going on this week! I apologise for the lack of pictures, crazy day today, double pictures next week!

Special events
There are no more special events happening this week, thank you to everybody who has supported the church meal and the board game after, it was lovely to see everybody having fun as a church family. Thank you for your generous donations towards our trip away, we will update everybody on how the trip goes accordingly. 

Cell Groups
Cell groups are continuing this week,

All Cells - will be preparing their part for the Cell Celebration on 9th (year 7 on Tuesday) 

Cell Celebration
The cell celebration is on February the 9th. The theme of the cell celebration is patience. Here is what each cell will be focussing on:
Year 7 - Refreshments and welcome
Year 8 - Prayer station
Year 9 - Talk 
Year 10 - Prayer station
Year 11 - Game and Room setup
Year 12 - Prayer station X2
Year 13 - Prayer station 

Younger Friday Pathfinders 
Tonight (31st Jan) is Disney night. Come along to test your knowledge, create your favourite characters mask on your own face and take a trip with Aladdin on his flying carpet. 

Next week (7th Feb) is make up and video game night. We have two fantastic make up artists coming in to teach you how to do make up things. We will also have the video games for people who don't want to put on make up or are allergic like me!

7th of feb is not a joint session, just both groups doing the same thing

Older Friday Pathfinders 
This week (31st Jan) is sleepover night. We wont actually be having a sleep over I'm afraid, I need a good nights sleep. We will however be having pillow fights, having sleeping bag races and watching a film (We will be running until 10:30 i think, will confirm asap) 

Please bring films and sleeping bags to tonights pathfinders if you have them, otherwise I only have 3 films to offer you!!

Next week (7th Feb) is make up and video game night. We have two fantastic make up artists coming in to teach you how to do make up things. We will also have the video games for people who don't want to put on make up or are allergic like me!

7th of feb is not a joint session, just both groups doing the same thing

Sunday Pathfinders 
Sunday Pathfinders is back on this week, looking at money and how it can be an idol.   

CYFA is back on this week, looking at the second session on how we do church. 

Weekend Away

There are still places for the weekend away, if you want to go please sign up through the link below or get in touch with me (Dobbo). 

Please click Here
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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