17th - 24th Jan

Coming up next week... 
Hello, hello. Just a short and sweet blog this week as I feel you may have been bombarded with all our blogs recently. All our cell groups have now met back for their first session and it's not long till our cell celebration. Friday Pathfinders is back today and for those of you who like a good board game, why not come to the church hall at 4pm on Sunday (19th) for a Board Games Café. 

Special events
You may or may not know that some of us from the youth are taking part in a mission trip to Moldova during February half term. As part of our fundraising efforts we are putting on a couple of events; 

The first is a Board Games Café on Sunday 19th Jan 4-7pm in St. Leonard's church hall. Tickets for entry are £3.50, there will be tea, coffee, cakes and of course loads and loads of board games for you to play! 

Then on Sunday 26th Jan we are having a social lunch at St. Leonard's Church. There will be games/entertainment for children, chilli to eat and generally a good time to be had. We will start straight after church (about 12 noon) and will finish at around 3pm. 

Cell Groups
All cell groups are starting back this week and appropriately enough we are exploring the theme of patience. 

Year 7 - 8 Cell - will be doing their first session on Patience.

Year 9 Cell - will be having a session on the book of Mark (you asked for it, so you are getting it!)  

Year 10 - 13 Cell - will be doing patience part 2!

Another date for the diary is 9th February, which is the Cell Celebration. More on that next week . 
Younger Friday Pathfinders 
Tonight (17th Jan) we are having a joint session with the Older Pathfinders, it will be Older vs. Younger night, who will be victorious?! Because it is a joint session we are finishing at the later time of 8pm rather than 7.45pm.

Another productive planning meeting! 

Next week (24th Jan) it is Old People night, not to give any spoilers, but it may involve dressing up!!  

Older Friday Pathfinders 
This Friday (17th Jan) we are joining forces to defeat the Young Pathfinders in an Older vs. Younger night. To give them the home advantage we are meeting at their time of 6.30pm-8pm (well, we did add 15mins). Let's rock up and show those young whipper snappers who's boss shall we? 

Next Friday (24th Jan) we are having another Jake Holton planned extravaganza... this time it's game show night and if the preparations so far are anything to go by, it should be a good session! 

Sunday Pathfinders 
Sunday Pathfinders is back is on again this Sunday (19th Jan). We are looking at 'hidden idols' this week as part of our spiritual decluttering set of sessions.  

This week CYFA is back and we are looking into the deceptively complicated topic of 'How to go to Church'... see you there!

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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