21st June - 27th June
Coming up next week...
Cell Groups
Sunday Pathfinders
Back to normality this week with a blog on a Friday. We have a couple of really interesting weeks on the horizon, starting with this one. We have a guest speaker at younger cell groups and the year 6 cell are joining the youth work. Read on to find out the details.
Cell Groups
Next week, year 7, 8 and 9 are having a joint cell. Nick Page is coming to lead a session on "Bible Origins". We are meeting together in the church at 6:30pm on Monday 24th July. Fear not older cells, you will get to do this session soon. For this week though, year 10 will look at how to be a christian when there is no cell. Year 11 are meeting on Tuesday to have a meal whilst year 12/13 will do part two of Mission Academy Live.
Year 7 - Monday 6:30 - 7:30 (church)
Year 8 - Monday 6:30 - 7:30 (Church)
Year 9 - Monday 6:30 - 7:30 (church)
Year 10 - Monday 5:30 - 7:00
Year 11 - Tuesday 7;15
Year 12/13 - Friday 3:30 - 5:00
The theme of tonights Friday Pathfinders (21st June) is Winter Night. When we planned this session it was supposed to be ironic, but c'est la météo (now this blog can count as french revision fyi).
Next week is Marvel night. If i had planned this, it would be titled Iron Man night (as he is by far the best superhero) But Olly has planned it so who knows what will happen. It will be fun though.
You should have received a letter regarding our Aqua Park trip. We need to start sorting this trip so please let us know if you're interested. You can download the form here
Please find the term rota Here
Next week is Marvel night. If i had planned this, it would be titled Iron Man night (as he is by far the best superhero) But Olly has planned it so who knows what will happen. It will be fun though.
You should have received a letter regarding our Aqua Park trip. We need to start sorting this trip so please let us know if you're interested. You can download the form here
Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight is Marvel night. Brush up on your suit making skills and your superhero knowledge as both of these will be put to the test.
Next week is tournament night, you will compete against each other in a series of challenges to see who comes out as overall champion. There is even a trophy so your name will be forever remembered in Pathfinder folklore.
You should have received a letter regarding our Aqua Park trip. We need to start sorting this trip so please let us know if you're interested. You can download the form here
For this terms rota click Here
Next week is tournament night, you will compete against each other in a series of challenges to see who comes out as overall champion. There is even a trophy so your name will be forever remembered in Pathfinder folklore.
You should have received a letter regarding our Aqua Park trip. We need to start sorting this trip so please let us know if you're interested. You can download the form here
For this terms rota click Here
There is no Sunday Pathfinders this week as it is an Everybody Together service
There is no CYFA this week as it is an Everybody Together service
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

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