23rd-30th November

Coming up next week... 
Next week is shaping up nicely, with all sorts of things going on. Make sure you don't miss out on the Cell Christmas Social (see below). Anyone who is wanting even more Christmas cheer and who is feeling creative might want to have a go at creating some Christingles. If you are up for it, it's saturday morning on 1st December. Please get in touch if you want to get involved. 

Christmas Trees
Thank you to the guys who helped out with our tree decorating this week! If you fancy coming and having a look at our hard work (and also some other trees too) then why not pop to the church: 

Friday (23rd Nov): 12noon - 7pm (with a cafe) 
Saturday (24th Nov): 10am-12.30pm 

And, if you go, remember to vote for ours as the best, which it clearly is!! 

Cell Christmas Social 2018

This is it... the moment you have all been waiting for... the tickets for the Cell Christmas social are now on sale! Forget Black Friday, this is the sale of the year. 

If you have never been before, you are going it love it! The Cell Christmas Social is a big event where all the members of our different cells (and our cell leaders) get together in the church building to have Dominos and play games. Every comes dressed in the best black tie attire and the church is decked out so nicely it makes Buckingham Palace look like a smell swamp. 

This year we are having the social on Thursday 20th December at 7.30-9pm (that's the day before Barts breaks up). 

Tickets are £6.50 each (what a bargain) and you can get them from the link below: 

Book tickets to the event of the year

If you want a bit more information you can look at our Facebook event here: 

Cell Christmas Social Event Page

Cell Groups
Year 7 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at Acts this week (after going rouge and looking at heaven last week instead of acts). 
Year 8 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at Acts part 2.
Year 9 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at the book of Acts. 
Year 10 Cell: will think about the Holy Spirit in cell next week. 
Year 11 Cell: will doing a session on the Holy Spirit. They will be meeting on Thursday at 5.45pm - 7pm at Marion's house.
Year 12 Cell: will doing the last session looking at the last bit of Revelation, as well as having a time of prayer, reflection and discussion. 
Year 13 Cell: will be thinking about the Holy Spirit.

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (23rd Nov) its Alternative Craft night, so wear clothes that aren't your best ones and that you don't mind getting messy. All will become clear at the evening, but basically its an evening of crafts that you wouldn't normally do at your traditional craft evening! 

Next week (30th November) its a sing along Disney night. Think watching a classic Disney film, combined with Karaoke and you're on the right track. 

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (23rd November) its Dark Games. You asked for them, so you are getting them. Complete with Dark Chocolate toasties. 

Next week (30th November) the choice is yours. I will put it to the vote this evening, what ever people choose will be the session that we do. 

Sunday Pathfinders
There is NO SUNDAY PATHFINDERS this week as our very own Olly Shaw is leading the service. All feedback welcome (as long as it's positive and doesn't mention his lack of hair) 

There is NO CYFA this week either but Olly is leading the service. Any hecklers will be swiftly ex-communicated and then subjected to an a cappella performance of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road sung deliberately out of key. 

Youth Weekend Away! 
On the 8th-10th March we are going on our yearly youth weekend away. If you have never been before, ask someone who has to tell you all about it... 

Paper copies of the letters below have gone out, but if you prefer a download you can do it here: 

Letter to young people and kit list 

Letter to parents with link to consent forms

Consent Form for Weekend Away

Soul Survivor! 
Not content with simply going on a youth weekend away, we are also heading off to Soul Survivor again this year. For anyone who hasn't heard, Soul Survivor summer festivals are stopping after over 20 years of amazing times. I think we will need to be quick this year as I suspect places will fill up fast, so I recommend getting forms and deposits in as soon as you can. For more information have a look at the letters below: 

Letter to young people and kit list 

Letter to parents with link to consent forms

Consent Form for Soul Survivor

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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