16-23 November
Coming up next week...
We have at least one Friday Pathfinders first this week and some Christmas tree fun as well as a still giving you access to our Soul Survivor and Youth Weekend Away forms. If you have any questions about what is in this blog or what is happening in our youth work week to week please get in touch using the contact details below...
Christmas Trees
Next weekend (24th-25th Nov) our church is having a Christmas tree festival. Not wanting to miss out on an opportunity to shine, we are going to be offering a tree into the mix (clearly it will be the best one by far). We've got a good crew coming along to decorate it on Tuesday after school next week (20th). If you want to be part of the team and enjoy a bit of creative flair, then get in touch using the details below.
Cell Groups
Year 7 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at Acts this week (after going rouge and looking at heaven last week instead of acts).
Year 8 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at Acts part 1.
Year 9 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible as well but I'm not sure which book they have got to.
Year 10 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation, part 2!
Year 11 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation part 2! . They will be meeting on Wednesday at 7.45pm - 9pm at Marion's house.
Year 12 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation!
Year 13 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation part 2 or thinking about the Holy Spirit, depending on how far they get today...
Sunday Pathfinders
Youth Weekend Away!
Soul Survivor!
Year 8 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible, looking at Acts part 1.
Year 9 Cell: are continuing with our series on books of the Bible as well but I'm not sure which book they have got to.
Year 10 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation, part 2!
Year 11 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation part 2! . They will be meeting on Wednesday at 7.45pm - 9pm at Marion's house.
Year 12 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation!
Year 13 Cell: will doing the last session of our 4 part series looking at Revelation part 2 or thinking about the Holy Spirit, depending on how far they get today...
Tonight (16th November) its DARK GAMES. There's got to be something good about the nights getting darker and the fact that we get to play games in the dark at Pathfinders is one of those things...
Next week (23rd November) its alternative craft night. Come prepared to take part in some crafts, just not the ones we normally do.
Next week (23rd November) its alternative craft night. Come prepared to take part in some crafts, just not the ones we normally do.
Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (16th November) we are having a Friday Pathfinders first. Its Origami night! This evening will require skill, concentration, imagination and the ability to squeeze into something that you have made out of paper.
Next week (23rd November) is to be confirmed so what this literal and metaphorical space. [ ]
Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is back this week, thinking about 'Generosity' being led by Simon and Angela.
This week we are carrying on with our series on Mark. Going on to Mark 5.
On the 8th-10th March we are going on our yearly youth weekend away. If you have never been before, ask someone who has to tell you all about it...
Paper copies of the letters below have gone out, but if you prefer a download you can do it here:
Letter to young people and kit list
Letter to parents with link to consent forms
Paper copies of the letters below have gone out, but if you prefer a download you can do it here:
Letter to young people and kit list
Letter to parents with link to consent forms
Soul Survivor!
Not content with simply going on a youth weekend away, we are also heading off to Soul Survivor again this year. For anyone who hasn't heard, Soul Survivor summer festivals are stopping after over 20 years of amazing times. I think we will need to be quick this year as I suspect places will fill up fast, so I recommend getting forms and deposits in as soon as you can. For more information have a look at the letters below:
Letter to young people and kit list
Letter to parents with link to consent forms
Letter to young people and kit list
Letter to parents with link to consent forms
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

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