30th November - 7th December

Coming up next week... Is Teresa May's deal the best one for our country? Who know's, but one thing we do know is that in this blog there are some cracking deals to be had! Tickets to the cell Christmas Social, places at the Youth Weekend Away and places at Soul Survivor. Also, make sure you don't get caught out by Cell as we are having a break from normal service (see below)... Cell Christmas Social 2018 Cell Christmas social are now on sale! Forget Black Friday, this is the sale of the year. If you have never been before, you are going it love it! The Cell Christmas Social is a big event where all the members of our different cells (and our cell leaders) get together in the church building to have Dominos and play games. So dig out your smartest gear and get ready for the party of the year (I'm a poet and I didn't even know I could rhyme). This year we are having the social on Thursday 20th...