19th - 26th October

Coming up next week... 
Well, that's it, we've made it through an entire half term... next week I hope everyone at school enjoys a good break from the daily school grind. We've still got one more Friday Pathfinders and Older Friday Pathfinders for you to enjoy and Sunday Pathfinders and CYFA are still meeting, so be there if you can. Otherwise have a great half term and we will see on the other side... 

Cell Groups
Next week there are no cell groups next week :( because it is half term :)!! 

Thank you to everyone who came to the Cell Celebration on Sunday. And a massive thank you to everyone who contributed, you all did an amazing job! If you weren't able to make it this time, our next Cell Celebration is the 10th February, so we will hopefully see you there! 

After half term, all Cell Groups will be meeting at their usual times and places and will be continuing their series on books of the bible. 

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (19th October) it's German night... come ready to play some very germanic games and do your 'Wurst' in tackling our german based challenges. 

Next week (26th October) it's half term so there won't be any pathfinders at all that week! However the week after we are going join together for some fireworks, bonfire and marshmallow based fun with the Older Pathfinders  

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (19th October) it's Jelly Night (sort of, whose idea was this again?). Anyway if you like fun and you like jelly, you should like the evening. 

Next week (26th October) it's half term so there won't be any pathfinders at all that week! However the week after we are going join together for some fireworks, bonfire and marshmallow based fun with the Younger Pathfinders 

Sunday Pathfinders  
This Sunday (21st October) whether or not Christian children have to do what their parents tell them!

CYFA is on this week carrying on our series on Mark we are now at Mark 3! It's being led by Nick and Claire.

Consent forms  
Thank you to everyone who has filled these out already. Please can I ask that if you haven't had one of these filled out, that you do it as soon as possible. It is very important to us that we have all the information we need to keep you/your child safe while you/they are in our care. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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