12th - 19th October

Coming up next week... 
Make sure you don't miss out on our Cell Celebration happening this Sunday 14th October starting at 6pm. For more about what is happening this week, take a look below...

Cell Groups
This Sunday (14th October) is our Cell Celebration!! The theme of the service will be 'Inclusion'. After the Cell Celebration, most cell groups will be going back to normal and having spent 2 weeks preparing... Here is what they will be doing:  

Year 7 Cell: having a session on Bullying meeting at the usual time of Monday night, 7.30pm-8.45pm at the Shaw's house.
Year 8 Cell: having a social meeting at the usual time on Monday night,  7.00pm-8.30pm at the Ferrier's house.
Year 9 Cell: having a session on Bullying meeting on Thursday 13th, 7.30 - 8.45pm at the Ferrier's house.
Year 10 Cell: will be starting a 4 part series on the Bible, starting very predictably with the first book in the Bible, Genesis. They will be meeting on Monday at 5.30pm - 7pm at Caroline's house
Year 11 Cell: will be starting a 4 part series on the Bible, starting very predictably with the first book in the Bible, Genesis. They will be meeting on Thursday at 5.30pm - 7pm at Marion's house.
Year 12 Cell: will be starting a 4 part series on the Bible, starting very predictably with the first book in the Bible, Genesis. They will be meeting on Wednesday at 4pm - 5.30pm at Denise's house.
Year 13 Cell: will be starting a 4 part series on the Bible, starting very predictably with the first book in the Bible, Genesis. They will be meeting on Friday at 3.15pm - 4.45pm at Penny's house.

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (12th October) It's Fornite Night... or really it should be called Fortnite nite. Anyway what ever we call it, its going to be good! 

Next week (19th October) it's German night, a lot like Canada night, only more efficient, with less maple syrup and more Wurst. 

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (12th October) its Tourist Experience Night. It'll be your little taste of the wider world, right here in St. Leonard's Church. 

Image result for tourism

Next week (19th October) it is going to be jelly night. you asked for it, so you are getting it...  

Sunday Pathfinders  
This Sunday (14th October) we will be looking at whether or not some of what the apostle Paul wrote was sexist . It is being led by Ruth and Angela. 

There is no CYFA this week. 

Consent forms  
Thank you to everyone who has filled these out already. Please can I ask that if you haven't had one of these filled out, that you do it as soon as possible. It is very important to us that we have all the information we need to keep you/your child safe while you/they are in our care. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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