7th - 14th September

Coming up next week... 
Welome to the first blog post of this academic year. Below you should find lots of information to help you to know what is happening and when. If you need any more information or are confused by anything below, then just get in touch using the contact details below. Happy reading...

Consent forms  
Given that we are the youth arm of our church we thought we'd go all 21st Century, so our consent forms are now available to fill out online! This should mean no more lost bits of paper stuffed in bags, no more being pestered by leaders to finally bring that form back and plenty of filling out of the form from parents as a welcome distraction from something even more boring like doing house work. 

We need one of these forms filled in per young person, per group. You/your parents should have received an email inviting you to fill out this form already. If you haven't it means we don't have a valid email address for you, so please could you click the link below and fill out the consent form as soon as possible.

Soul Survivor
Those of us who went to Soul Survivor had an amazing time. If you want to know more, then speak to someone who went! 

Next year is actually the last ever year Soul Survivor is running their summer camps so if you have always wanted to come but haven't got round to it yet then next year is the time. 

Details, letters and consent forms will be coming out soon so watch this space... 

Cell Groups
All cell groups are starting back next week (w/c 10th September). They will be having a social and a catch up after the summer and at least for this first week they will be meeting at the same time and day as they did before the summer break: 

Year 7 Cell: will be meeting on Monday 10th, 7.30pm - 8.45pm at the Shaw's house. 
Year 8 Cell: will be meeting on Tuesday 11th, 5.30pm - 6.45pm at the Ferrier's house (come ready to talk about changing the time/day that you meet).
Year 9 Cell: will be meeting on Thursday 13th, 7.30 - 8.45pm at the Ferrier's house.
Year 10 Cell: will be meeting on Monday 10th, 5.30pm - 7.00pm at Caroline's house. 
Year 11 Cell: will be meeting on Thursday 13th, 7.15pm - 8.30pm at Miriam's house (that is an inside joke, for clarity, we are at the Harrington's, like normal).
Year 12 Cell: will be meeting on Wednesday 12th, 4.00pm - 5.15pm at the McKemey's house (you will be talking about changing the time and day this week, so come ready for that).
Year 13 Cell: will be meeting on Friday 14th, 3.15pm - 4.30pm at the Mark's house. 

Goodbye old year 13 cell, we love you and will miss you, make sure you visit lots...
P.S. dont get confused... all cells have moved up a year so what was year 11 cell is now year 12! 

Older and Younger Friday Pathfinders
Today (7th September) your loyal and loving leaders are meeting up to come up with even more brilliant ideas of what we can do next term! 

Next week (14th) it all starts back again so hopefully see you there! 

Sunday Pathfinders 
After a big break for the Summer, Sunday Pathfinders is back this Sunday (9th)! We will be welcoming in the newbies and thinking together what being a Sunday Pathfinder is really all about! 

There is no CYFA this Sunday but we are back on the 16th :).

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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