8th - 15th June

Coming up next week... 
Hello! How was everyone's half term?? After a blogless week last week we are now back with a bang, ready to tell you about everything that is coming up in the youth work. Keep an eye out below for Aqua Park consent forms and those of you coming to Soul Survivor, make sure you read all the way down to the bottom of the blog as you as there is some stuff in there that you are going to want to know about! 

Cell Groups  
All except year 11 and 12 cell have had their first meetings back already. Year 7-10 cell have started the first session of a course made by Youth for Christ called SYNC thinking about how we talk to our mates about our faith. 

Next week: 
Year 7-10 Cell will be doing part 2 of the SYNC course. If you want to get ahead with watching any of the videos, or you have missed any you can find them on the SYNC Youtube channel.
Year 11 Cell will not be meeting because of GCSEs 
Year 12 Cell will be deciding tonight what they want to do next, and next week we will be doing what ever it is that gets decided! 
Year 13 Cell will be carrying on doing something called Lectio Divina and generally relaxing in each others company.

Friday Pathfinders (Younger) 
All going to plan, tonight (8th June) is a Murder Mystery, dun, dun, dunnnnn ... 

Next week (15th June) we are having a slime night! Come wearing clothes that you don't mind getting messy! 

Now we don't normally do this on the blog but, the week after that (22nd June) we are going on a trip to Wet n Wild aqua parking in Wallingford. If you want to come, check out the consent form here and remember to get a place you need to get the money and the consent forms in by 15th June! 

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
Did you ever wonder what happened to the showman's murderer, did he get acquitted or was he sent down for his crimes? Find out the answer to all this and more in our Court night, tonight, for one night only! Its the follow up from last terms murder mystery, but you don't have to have been to the first one to enjoy this one, so some along one and all!  

Sunday Pathfinders 
This Sunday (10th June), Sunday Pathfinders is on and is being led by Jennifer and Simon! 

There is no CYFA this week, but next week (17th June) one of our own is getting baptised!! Don't miss it... 

Soul Survivor  
If you are coming to Soul Survivor, this is a reminder that the deadline for payment for both the Onesies (£30 if you don't already have one) and our exciting new jumpers (£18) is this Sunday (10th June). I am ordering them on the Tuesday (12th), so at the very latest you could get the money to the church office by then. We need to order all at once to get the bulk discount, so make sure you don't miss out :). 

The jumpers will look like this but the logo will be a bit smaller and the writing and logo are glow in the dark 👻👻  

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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