15th - 22nd June
Coming up next week...
The sun is out and we are back on a roll. After a full week of youth work this week, we have got more in the week to come. Its like the World Cup, only without the football, internationally acclaimed footballs, stadiums, sponsors an TV coverage. And we aren't in Russia, but other than that, basically the same. Trips, jumpers and more all below for you to feast your eyes on...
Cell Groups
Friday Pathfinders (Younger)
Cell Groups
Year 7-10 Cell will be doing part 3 of the SYNC course. If you want to get ahead with watching any of the videos, or you have missed any you can find them on the SYNC Youtube channel. Worth a watch if you have missed any of the sessions so far.
Year 11 Cell will not be meeting because of GCSEs
Year 12 Cell will be carrying on having an informal session, including a time doing an activity called Lectio Divina
Year 13 Cell will be carrying on doing called Lectio Divina and trying to recover from exam brain.
A long time ago in a cell group meeting far, far away this beautiful moment was captured and is now being shared.... |
Reminder year 10 cell will be meeting on Wednesday next week (20th June) at 8.15-9.30pm
After last weeks tense murder mystery, this week (15th June) is Slime Night! Come wearing clothes you don't mind getting messy and possibly stained for life as we experiment with making our own slime and then throwing it at each other!
Friday Pathfinders (Older)
Next week (22nd June) it our trip to Oxford Wet and Wild. We will be meeting at the park at 5.15pm, don't be late! Make sure you bring a consent form and money this week if you want to book a place. If you haven't had one yet you can download it here.
Thank goodness justice prevailed last week and and an innocent man avoided being sentenced for a crime he didn't commit. Some say it was all down to his intelligent, charismatic and roguishly handsome defence attorney, but I wouldn't like to comment. This week (15th June) we are having a Camp Fire Night. We will sit around the fire, chat, toast marshmallows and play a few games. It should be pretty relaxed (expect for the killer frisbee).
That's the protection addressing the jury there... the mysterious defence attorney is taking the photo |
Next week (22nd June) its our trip to Oxford Wet and Wild. We will be meeting at the park at 5.15pm, don't be late! Make sure you bring a consent form and money this week (15th) if you want to book a place. If you haven't had one yet you can download it here.
Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA
There is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this Sunday (17th June) because we are having a Baptism service down at Cassington Mil! It starts at 11am and will be followed by a picnic and (hopefully) some swimming. Martha is getting baptised and Robert and Charlotte are reaffirming there baptismal vows. Be there.... or be somewhere else, much less fun.
Parents will soon be receiving emails detailing how much each person owes to pay off their full ticket. So far there are 2 fundraisers that have been organised with fixed dates. If anyone has any other ideas for more or would like to arrange one then please get in touch.
Soul Survivor
It may not feel like it but Soul Survivor is fast approaching! Our jumpers have been ordered and should be with us much quicker than expected! Keep and eye out for those! Parents will soon be receiving emails detailing how much each person owes to pay off their full ticket. So far there are 2 fundraisers that have been organised with fixed dates. If anyone has any other ideas for more or would like to arrange one then please get in touch.
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

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