29th June - 6th July

Coming up next week... 
Roll up roll up. It's been a strange old week in the wider world. Britain is having a heat wave, Germany are out of the world cup and England aren't. Similarly things go a bit outside of the norm for some of our groups next week, but unlike England's performance against Belgium its definitely a good thing. Have a look below to find out what is happening. Importantly, if you want to come to the Cell Summer social, please can you book a ticket online (link below) so that I know how many burgers/sausages to buy. As always if you need to know more please feel free to get in touch. 

Cell Groups  
Year 6 Cell! Yep you heard that right, as of this Thursday, the year 6 members of cell 56 are invited into the big wide world of St. Leonard's youth work. Brace yourselves... 

Cell Summer Social!!! The cells groups annual get together, BBQ and water fight is happening this Thursday (5th July). I am reliably informed that the weather should be good and from past experience its always a brilliant time spent together! Everyone is welcome (including people in year 6) but please can you book a (free) ticket online just so we know how much food to buy. You get your tickets by clicking on this link: 

Friday Pathfinders (Younger) 
If you came to our Wet n' Wild trip and thought you could do with a bit more water based fun, with the added bonus of having a strange abbreviation of the word and, then do we have good news for you...

Tonight (29th June), it is our first ever Slip n' Slide night. Wear clothes you don't mind getting wet in and come ready to look as cool as you have ever looked while sliding around on a soapy tarpaulin! 

Next week (6th July), the sad news is that there is no Friday Pathfinders. The good news is that we are back the week after (13th July) for a water fight and BBQ! And if anyone fancies a trip to the funfair or a spot of flower arranging, then you are in luck, because you have the opportunity to do either (let Olly know if you are interested).

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
As the old saying goes, suns out, tarps out. So, tonight (29th June) we are having a Slip n' Slide night. Bring a change of clothes and wear stuff that you don't mind getting wet and soapy. 

Next week (6th July) There is no Older Friday Pathfinders, but we will do some stuff together like flower arranging (for those who fancy it), followed by a possible trip to the fun fair. 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this Sunday (1st July). It's being led by Ruth and a special guest leader (mysterious)... Following the theme of church we will be thinking about how we can react to God in difficult circumstances. 

CYFA is on this week and its being led by Claire and Olly thinking about how, as Christians we should engage with the Old Testament (for those who don't know, thats the big bit in the bible, just before the bits about Jesus!).

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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