4th - 11th May

Coming up next week... 
Good Evening or Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to this week's blog!
Now, I don't know how good your last week was, but I can tell you that this week will be even better, as we have a bucket load of fun and exciting stuff heading right your way!

With Cell groups looking at some in depth meaty topics, Younger Friday Pathfinders celebrating a very special day, Older Friday Pathfinders blessing the rains down in 'You Know Where', and Sunday Pathfinders diving right back into their bibles yet again, boy have we got a week for you!

My name is Jake, and this... is the Blog.

Cell Groups  
In the Wonderful World of Cell, we have everyone very busy!
Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 Cell Will be looking at The very Basics of Christianity, does it really make as much sense as we think?
Year 9 Cell because it is Bank Holiday, year 10 cell will not be meeting, but they will catch up by having a session when other cells aren't meeting. 
Year 12 Cell will be doing the second half of Christianity the Basics, surely it can't be that basic if there are two halves?
Year 13 Cell will be doing Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit...

Reminder: Year 10 cell will be on Wednesday (9th May) from 8:15-9:30. 

Friday Pathfinders (Younger) (4th May)
Bring your Party Poppers, Party Horns and Birthday Cheer because this week we are celebrating the birth and subsequent life of none other than Archie Marshall. You better scratch up your knowledge of Archie's life because whoever knows him best will be in for a better chance at Birthday Prizes!

Next week we are going back in time, back to the age of Swords, Plagues and Rat Infestations! That's right, next week is Medieval Night!

Image result for Medieval

Friday Pathfinders (Older) (4th May)
Tonight we travel to a distant land of Wakka Wakkas, Wakanda Forevers and very blessed Rains, tonight we travel to Africa! Prepare to have your minds blown by boiled starch as we embrace the incredible cultures of our friends near the Equator!

Next week (11th May), you better get your groove on because it's time to hit the dance floor in our one and only Pathfinders Dance Night!

Sunday Pathfinders 
This week we're having a good look at our old friend Paul's letter to the Ephesians. What truly was Paul's prayer for the Church?


Time to get your heads into planning mode as we reflect on the Term just gone and start to ask the big questions in preparation for the term to happen! This time CYFA, the future is yours to decide!

Congratulations on the Confirmations!
We open this short break in the Blog to congratulate Josh and Josh (Soanes and Tyler, respectively) on their conformations last week! Huge rounds of applause to you both!

Baptism Sunday (17th June)! 
Get ready for the Dunking! On the 17th of June we shall be seeing a fair few of our church family being chucked in a puddle in the name of Christ (Aka Baptism). We look forward to seeing their fresh dedications and sodden faces.

Hannah Gundry's Fundraising Quiz!
There are only 3 great things in this world, and two of them are Quizzes and Curry. So why not have both at Hannah Gundry's Fundraising Quiz, happening May the 18th! Test your knowledge and have some great food at only a £10 advance fee!
It even goes towards a great cause as Hannah heads off to Delhi to work with Disadvantaged Women and Children, so not only do you get great food, you get to support a fantastic individual heading off to do fantastic things!
Contact Hannah Gundry for more Details.

We are planning to all go to this rather than having Pathfinders on that day so if money is an issue then feel free to contact Olly and we can try sort something out for you!

A Departing Member!
Are you reading this blog asking yourself "Who is this incredible fellow who writes blogs so well? When will he write again?" Then firstly my name is Jake and secondly this is both a first and last experience for the both of us.
For those who don't know my name is Jacob McCobb and I have voluntarily worked for this youth group for just over a year now, it has been an incredible year where I have learned so much about this Church's incredible youth ministry and the brilliant young people that attend our events. But like all things in life, we must spread our wings and leave home eventually.
On the 10th of May I leave for New York where I will be working with a Charity called Dreambikes, who supply jobs to young people in their bike shops so that they can get training and education which will help them find better jobs in the future.
For the Parents of the Young People who I have worked with, Thank you for bringing these incredible young people who have taught me so much about leadership and equally for friends and leaders reading this you have all been incredible in supporting me and helping my realise how much I love youth work.

Many Thanks to all of you and I will see many of you at Soul Survivor in August!

For those of you who are particularly interested in what I will be doing in my trip feel free to contact me at Jacob@Mccobb.com.

Do you love our Youth Work?
Do you love writing really detailed emails depicting your every in depth question about what we do?
Do you often feel like the blog makes zero sense and someone needs to explain gibberish as soon as possible?
Well then you're in luck, because we have the perfect solution!
Not just a phone number but also an E-Mail address just for you to send both your smallest and largest of questions to!
Not only do we have the contact details for these things but once you contact them we can confirm that an almost bald old man (oi watch it Jakey boy, ed.) named Olly Shaw will be there just for you to answer all of your heart's desires! (Provided they're relevant to the youth work of course)

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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