18th - 25th May

Coming up next week... 
After a very busy week this week, next week looks slightly less busy for us at St. Leonard's Youth. Don't worry though, there is still lots happening. Something to look out for in next week's blog will be consent forms for our Aqua Park trip, for more information about what that is, have a look here. Anyway, back to this week's blog, have a look below to find out what what is going on next week. 

Cell Groups  
Most cell groups will not be meeting this week because your dutiful leaders are all attending some Cell Leaders training to hone and improve their already outrageously good cell leading skills... (expect photos of us working hard in next weeks blog). 

There is however one exception, Year 9 Cell will still be meeting next week (21st May) to make up for missing one on the 7th May for Bank Holiday. 

Friday Pathfinders (Younger) 
There is no Friday Pathfinders this week (18th May) :'(. But don't worry we are back next week (25th May) for an excellent session of Aunt Sally over on the churches newly acquired aunt sally pitch. If you don't know what Aunt Sally is, be prepared to be wowed and amazed... 

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
To give you chance to recover from eating all that chocolate, we are not having any Friday Pathfinders this week (18th May). Next week (25th May) is to be confirmed but brace yourself, it's going to be brilliant...

Sunday Pathfinders 
This Sunday (20th May), Sunday Pathfinders will be looking at Pentecost in Acts 2:1-21. We have a special guest leader and everything this week. Make sure you are there to find out who. 

CFYA is on this week (20th May) being led by Nick and Claire and its all about 'How to be a Christian when its boring...' despite the name, I can promise you an interesting session

Baptism/Confirmation prep this Sunday (20th May)! 
If you are wanted to get baptised or confirmed this year then we are running baptism/confirmation preparation sessions for the next 2 Sundays at 4pm in the church. Contact Olly or Duncan if you would like more information. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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