25 May - 1 June

Coming up next week... Hello, it's been an amazing week having a superb work experience placement known as the one and only Hazzy (this is the last time I let Hazzy contribute to the blog) . Next week is half term so the youth work is taking a break. Relax and enjoy the half term, below are some things you need to know: Cell Groups Because of half term there will be no Cell groups meeting next week, but they all start back again the week beginning 4th June. Friday Pathfinders (Younger) Tonight (25th May) is summer themed with a cheeky bit of Aunt Sally with a side of limbo and high jump. There will be no pathfinders next week so we can all sit at home and watch Netflix under a blanket eating ice cream and look forward to it all starting again after half term. Friday Pathfinders (Older) We have to apologise that there will be no court night tonight (25th May) because Josh and Aidan have not quite put th...