27th April - 4th May

Coming up next week... 
Ello ello ello! I hope everyone is doing well and did find something to do on their Fridays! However, time to get back on the insane train as we are back with the return of pathfinders this week! Also, be looking out for information about baptisms happening on the 17th June, Information about new jumpers as well and an upcoming quiz to fundraise for Hannah Gundry's gap year...

Cell Groups  
All cell groups are on this week!
Year 7-10 Cell Will be thinking about change. Is it good, bad or ugly?
Year 11 Cell Will be doing its own thing. 
Year 12 and 13 Cell Will be thinking about the absolute basics of Christianity. This week we will be thinking about what all Christians do and why? 

Reminder: Year 10 cell will be on Wednesday (3rd May) from 8.15 till 9.30. 

Friday Pathfinders (Younger)
Having met and decided what we are doing, Pathfinders is back on the 27th April, same time, same place. Be there or be somewhere else, less fun. The theme is America Night y'all!!! 

Next week (4th May, May the 4th be with you...) we will be celebrating one of our own and certain Mr. Archie! It is his birthday, so we are having an Archie night.

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
This week (27th April) we will be getting together to instigate what kind of craziness we want next term to bring. Crazy or not, if you want to have some control over this, make sure you are there this week! We will also be playing some classic games and a wee bit of killer frisbee, so it wont all be work, work, work. 

Next week (4th May), depends on what we decide this week! 

Sunday Pathfinders 
This week we have a special guest leader! And we will be looking at "God's eternal purposes. Make sure you don't miss out


Everyone in CYFA is invited to come and support Josh Tyler and Josh Soanes as they get confirmed. The service is at 10am at Church Hanborough church and there is even a lunch afterwards! If you want to come or want a lift can you let Olly know, so he can tell them who is coming. 

Baptism Sunday (17th June)! 
If you want to know more about baptism options at our church, Duncan is hosting a baptism options meeting at THE CHURCH, THIS SUNDAY at 4pm. 

On the 17th June we will be having a baptism morning for anyone who wants to get baptised, but would rather do it as part of a bigger group. 

For more information about baptism dates, check our this PDF.

Hannah Gundry's Fundraising Quiz!
On the 18th of May there will be a fundraising quiz and curry night at the Long Hanborough Pavilion to help support Hannah's gap year in Dehli, working with disadvantaged children and women. It is advance purchase only and £10 a ticket! Contact Hannah to be involved!

We wont be having Pathfinders that week so we would like to suggest people go to that instead. If cost is a problem, then let Olly know. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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