16th - 23rd June

Coming up next week... 

A blog on a Thursday? What is going on? We have some great news. Hope Elizabeth Shaw was born at 2:14pm weighing 7lb10oz. All three of them are doing well. They have said everybody will get the chance to meet the new arrival in due course, but as we wait for this time, please give the family time to settle in.  
Cell Groups 

Most cell groups have now completed the two part session on drugs and alcohol but as everybody isn't up to the same point, this week people will be following a variety of topics. Year 7 will be completing another session from the God of Surprises programme. Due to a school trip taking most the year 8s away this week, they will be finishing the drugs and alcohol session. Year 9 are looking at relationships. Year 10 cell will be doing a youth alpha session. Year 11 will be doing something, but at the time of writing I don't know yet! Year 12 will be talking about sex and relationships and finally year 13 will be watching The War Room

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (16th of June) is project night. We have bell ringing, knitting, woodwork, baking and a makeup tutorial. We have got some great people putting these sessions on so come along and try your hand at something new.
Next week (23rd of June) is project night 2. You will be continuing on the projects you start this week.

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (16th of June) is Where's Wally night. Come dressed in your finest Wally costume and bring your phone with you. All will be explained on the night.
Next week (23rd of June) is D to the I to the Y night. I'm no expert but I assume that means we will be making stuff, sounds exciting!

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday pathfinders is on this week and is all about Pentecost. Your leaders this week are Graham and Dobbo.

CYFA is on this week and you guys will be exploring the topic of service. It will be run by Steve and Claire whilst also being visited by a guest speaker.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com


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