7th - 14th July

Coming up next week... 
Well this is my first blog back after paternity leave. Apologies if there are more typos than usual this week, sleep deprivation will do that for you.  Here is what is coming up this week...
Cell Groups 
There are no normal cell meetings next week, but that is because we are having our end of year cell group BBQ. 

We will be meeting in the Ferrier's garden on Thursday 13th July at 6.30pm. The plan is to eat lots of delicious BBQ'd food, do some praying together and then have a massive water fight. Bring a water gun and we will provide the burgers! Be there or be somewhere else less fun!

In other news the new year 6 cell will be kicking off with a one-off special on Monday 10th July at 4.15pm, also at the Ferrier's (thank you Ferrier's!). We will be thinking about what it means to be part of a cell group and what we want to do with our cell. So, if you know any year 6's who might want to join. Tell them to come along!   

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (7th July) is INFLATABLES NIGHT!!! We have got loads of fun things to do including a Disco Bouncy Castle and some Super Hero Sumo suits. We are also adding to the fun by having a Café night too, so bring some extra money for food. 

Year 6's are also invited tonight, so if you know any who might like to come along, spread the word and invite them too. 

Remember to bring your consent form for Archery Tag tonight too!!! 

Next week (14th July) is our annual Friday Pathfinders BBQ and water fight, so bring water pistols and water-balloons and prepare to get soaked (and full of lovely food)! If you are in a cell as well as Pathfinders, next week is going to be a great week for BBQs! 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (7th July) its Inflatables Night! It's going to be amazing, so make sure you are there! 

Remember to bring your consent form for Archery Tag tonight too!!! 

Next week (14th July) its Inflatables Night! It's going to be amazing, so make sure you are there! 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is back on this week. It is based on Matthew 18: 1-11 and will be being lead by Olly and Lisa.

CYFA is not on this week but we are back on next week for a session about church, what it is for and how to get involved. 

Soul Survivor 
Well done to everyone who took part in the marathon of raising for Soul Survivor this week! Much respect for all your hard work, everyone who took part has made some serious headway towards paying for their tickets! 

Team man before and after the mammoth 12 hour shift!

And finally, introducing... 
The newest member of St Leonard's youth!! She may be the smallest (sorry Illie, your crown has been stolen) but she is certainly the noisiest (sorry Hazzy, thats your crown gone too ;). We will try to bring her round to as many groups as possible to give you all a chance to meet her but it will need to be when she is in a good mood! :) 

Hope Elizabeth Shaw born 15th June 2017

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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