14th - 21st July

Coming up next week... 
Its is almost the last blog of the year! Crazy! Here is what is coming up this week...
Cell Groups 
I hope everyone enjoyed the Cell Summer BBQ this year, I know I did. Thank you to everyone who came and to the Ferrier's for having us (and to our special guest chef, Ed O'Keafe). Here are some photo's, so you can re-live the experience from the comfort of your own home (sorry there aren't many, I was too busy having fun)...

Most cell groups are meeting at usual times in the usual places this week to have a session about what to do when there is no cell. The only cell group that isn't meeting is year 7 (because most of your leaders are away). 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
This week (14th July) is our WATER FIGHT (and BBQ). Come armed with clothes you don't mind getting wet, a water pistol and some water balloons. The plan is to meet up at the church hall first and then go down to the pavilion (the same field where Eynsham Carnival is held). 

Year 6's are also invited again tonight, so if you know any who might like to come along, spread the word and invite them too. 

If you haven't already remember to bring your consent form for Archery Tag tonight too!!! 

Next week (21st July) is Archery Tag! If you haven't seen what this is yet, get yourself a consent form and check it out! 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (14th July) we are joining the younger ones for some fabulous BBQ food and a bit of water based fun, but then we will be staying on to play some games of our own! 

Next week (21st July) is Archery Tag. Make sure you don't miss it, its going to be great! 

Sunday Pathfinders
There is no Sunday Pathfinders this week because of a shortage of leaders! Turns out everyone is away or leading something else at church! Sorry team, but we will be back after  the summer :). 

CYFA is on this week. We are looking at Church and how to be involved. Its going to be led by Olly and Steve. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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