17th - 24th Feb

Coming up this week... 

Well, that went quickly! The good news though is that the youth work is starting back up next week. Here is what is happening.. 

Cell Groups
Every cell group will start back next week and they will all be starting a 4 week run of sessions about families (except Year 9). Year 9 Cell will be looking at Spiritual Disciplines.   

Friday Pathfinders (younger)

This week (17th Feb) there is no Pathfinders, because its half term. 

Next week  (24th Feb) we are having a 'Card Board Fortress Night'. The aim of the game will be to build the best cardboard fortress, and then defend and attack with cardboard weaponry. I suggest you bring:

  • Cardboard (as much as you have) 
  • Gaffa tape (sooo much gaffa tape) 
  • bits of rubbish that would make good throwing weapons (I'm talking plastic, paper and card, not tins or rusty old daggers)

Friday Pathfinders (older)
No older pathfinders today (17th) but next week (24th)  We are going to use the cardboard that is left over to have a nerf war. So bring nerf guns please... as I said last week, the more the nerfier...

Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA 
There is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this week.

Youth Weekend Away 
The deadline for the final payment for the weekend away has now passed, so if you need to settle up, please could you do that by Monday 20th Feb.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com



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