24th Feb - 3rd March
Coming up this week... I hope everyone has had lovely first week after half term. Here is what you need to know this week... Cell Groups All cell groups will be doing sessions based around family this week. These sessions are part of a 4 week course of plans put together by the youth wing of the Salvation Army called a:love (click the name to find out more about them). Friday Pathfinders (younger) Tonight (24th Feb) we are having a 'Cardboard Fortress Night'. Basically we will have tons of cardboard and we will build our own fort!! Bring as much card board as you can, because no-one ever came to a card board fortress night and said "ohhhh, there is way too much cardboard here...". You also might want to bring things like plastic bottle that can be used for decorations and as weapons!! Here is some of what we have been collecting in the office Next week (3rd March) ...